The Night

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Videl's POV:

I thought Gohan was very cute the way his hair is and his black eyes.

"Um Videl" said Gohan and I snap out of la la land

"Hey Gohan I was wondering if you wanna come my house to you know hang out?"

"Sure i'll ask my mom i'll be at your house just give me your address" Gohan said so I wrote it down and gave it to him. So then I walked home without my dad and not even 5 minutes later Gohan showed up and I joyfully let him in. Then I said, "Hey Gohan do you fight?"

"Yeah why Videl" he said

"Well I was wondering if we could spar and if you could ask your mom to spend the night AND hide from my dad" I said.

"Well ok" he says with that cute smile of his. Then he ran off outside and came back 2 minutes later. He told me he could spend the night so we sparred but my dad never showed up and I thought he got drunk again and fell asleep with another excuse my language, ho.

Gohan's POV:

"Hey Videl when will your dad get home?"

"I don't know Gohan i'm scared can you sleep in my room with me?"

My face is probably as red as a tomato right now...


Hey guys Frost here well this is my story so far I hope you like it ^.^

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