Chapter 1: The Loss of a Love

Start from the beginning

"Suzy honey, it's getting late and I'm getting worried about you. Please call back. I love you."

Holly pulls her knees up to her body. 11:00pm Holly should be asleep by now. She can't. Suzy has probably abandoned her. "Almost 5 years, that's all it takes. I loved her so much" ding ding wissle, ding ding, wissle.... Holly sat up like a bolt. She grabbed her phone at lightning speed. "Hello? Hello? Suzy? Hello?" A mummer in the background. "Suzy honey are you alright?"

"OH, HAYYY!" Suzy yells in the phone. "what you doin calln me so, lat"

"Suzy! Are you, drunk?"

"Maybe a lil'" If Holly wasn't mad before she sure was now.

"Suzy, I'm coming to get you. Stay. Where. You. Are. At. Do you understand?"

"Okay Mommy love you too"

"Where are you at?"

"BLAAAAA-" the call ends.

Holly is worried, she doesn't know where Suzy is, and she's drunk. Her anger meant nothing now. She thought through all the places Suzy could be. Well, she was drunk, so that means she must be at a bar. She calls Suzy again. Riiing... your call has been forwarded to a voice messaging system. It went straight to voicemail. Ugh. There was an applebees next to her work. She got in a cab and went there. The entire 20 minutes there, Holly was running her fingers through her hair. She runs inside the building.

After her releif of seeing her love, the anger comes back to Holly. She walks in on Suzy sitting next to Arin. Holly doesn't say anything. Arin notices Holly staring at Suzy first. "Hey. Uh, what are you doing?" Arin says protectivly. Suzy turns around, "Oh, Holl'! Wans upm." Suzy exclaims happly. "Oh, is this her?"

"Suzy, we have to go home now." Holly demands

"Nah, I go homen in 10 minun'... or hourns." Suzy erupts in laughter.

"Suzy you are drunk, you lied to me, and it's too late to be out."

"I don'tn have ta go to workd tomorro'"

"Suzy. I want to be with you, okay please come home"

"Hey, just back off." Arin protests. "she really is as uptight as you said." he says to Suzy.

Holly no longer can do anything to get Suzy home. She didn't want to leave her either, she might try to drive home. She waited on a booth on the other side of the resturant. She waited for what felt like years. By this point Suzy and Arin forgot that Holly was there. They were back to drinking and laughing. Suzy was happy without her. Holly feel asleep at her table.

She woke around 2:40am Suzy and Arin were gone. Holly was too dazed and half asleep to register that they might've gone off together. Not like it would've mattered anyway. She got into another taxi, who wasn't too happy because the taxi man was getting home. Lucklily it was on the way. Holly got to the apartment door and opened it and feel to sleep again.

Holly woke up later than normal. Normally by this point Suzy would've woken her up somehow. However, Suzy was nowhere to be seen. A post-it note was stuck to the tv. "Sorry about last night! Came home to find you sleeping and didn't want to wake you up so I slept at Arin's" See ya at 8:00.

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