Chapter 12: Under a Blanket of Stars

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"Come on, lets get this done and get out before we get caught." I said and began walking towards a door I hoped would be the exit out of this stock room. I pushed out into a main hallway of the mall. Levi followed behind slamming the door. I turned and smacked him. "Would you be quiet please." I narrowed my eyes. "Do I have to remind you we are committing a crime?" I began walking towards the main entrance of the mall where the fountain was located. "There is no security guards here, we can be as loud as we want." Levi said as he fell into step with me. I rolled my eyes in response.

Once we finally arrived at the fountain I let out a long breath. Well we haven't been caught yet. "Okay, get in and start swimming." I smiled at Levi. He looked at me shocked. "Don't try to fight it. I did the last two, it's your turn. Not to mention it was your idea." I smiled and pulled out my phone as Levi stood there still in shock.

"But it's going to be cold." I laughed. "Well, you should have thought about that before you decided to do this. Now, go we don't have all night." I gave him a shove. I turned as Levi stripped down into his boxers. "You don't need to turn around darling. I'm still in my underwear." I blushed as I turned around to see Levi smirking at me.

"Whatever, get into the water." I lowered my head to hide my blush. I pulled out my phone and began video taping Levi swimming. "It's actually not that bad." Levi said laughing as he splashed at me. I turned off the video and took a photo of Levi swimming on his back. "Okay, you can get out now." "Can you help me out?" Levi asked giving me a cheeky smile. "You're not five years old, I think you can get out by yourself." I rolled my eyes and looked around to see if anyone was coming.

"I could slip and smack my head. Then you would have to call an ambulance..." Levi drifted off as he pretend to slip. I jumped forward a bit as if to catch him. He smirked at me and proceed to laugh. I narrowed my eyes. "Fine." I placed my phone on the bench and walked over to the edge of the fountain. I held out my hand towards Levi to grab. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him causing me to fall into the water. I tackled Levi and dunked his head underwater. I surprisingly wasn't angry, but I couldn't let him know that.

I stood up and let him come up for air. He stood up and smiled at me and all I could do was smile back. I had noticed his smile before but this time it was different. His smile lit up his whole face, which made it completely contagious. My eyes locked with his and suddenly I found it hard to breathe. He stepped closer to me, which made me unable to breathe. The look on his face was unreadable and I couldn't process what was happening.

"HEY, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" I looked up to see a red faced security guard screaming over the second floor railing. I looked back at Levi who had a deer caught in the headlights look plastered all over his face. "Levi, run." I whispered.

I ran as fast as I could through the water, I looked to see Levi behind me. I quickly grabbed my phone off the bench and began running back the way we came. I felt like I was in a movie chase scene, expect for the fact that I kept slipping because I was soaked. I was going to kill Levi when this was over. I looked behind me to find the security guard chasing after us. "STOP RUNNING!" The security guard sounded out of breath, which gave me a little hope. "Levi, this is all your fault." "Save it until were safe in the car." Levi sped in front of me and swung the storage room door open.

Levi locked the storage door behind me. "Hopefully this slows the guard down." Levi said and continued running. I followed closely behind Levi as we navigated through the storage room. "I don't remember it being this big." I said in between breaths. If we didn't stop running soon, I was going to pass out. "Found it! Hurry I can hear him." I followed Levi to the doc door, and watched as he slipped through. I peaked out and saw him land on his feet. "Quickly jump, you know I will catch you." He gave me a cheeky smile as he referred to earlier in the night. "Don't fart again!" I slipped out and fell into his arms.

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