"He has kids," I growled my eyes burning into his, as I leaned in closer; "he can feel emotions and you're just the coward in this game. Not brave enough to face a girl or him."

He looked at me, hope bloomed inside when I saw his eye colour shift to have red and a hint of blue. I murmured "Fight him Cameron - all I can do - is give you the strength to fight it. No matter what he made you do, you were just a puppet. Celine and Jessie are talking, hell Izzy hugged the life out of her."

He face twisted in pain, I saw the blue start fading, clearly he wasn't capable of believing...Jessie?

Yes Lou?

Should I?

She chuckled be grateful Aiden's halfway up the wall if you do, show him memories of yours remind him of pain, loss, hope and love...

My mind set I leant in and brushed my lips against his, I heard the sharp intake of breath, I murmured against his mouth "Remember the way Liz used to kiss you?"

I moved to drag my lips along his neck then collarbone, I flicked my tongue along, I felt him shiver meaning he was remembering something. I was flying blind here, having never done this before, I was trusting my instincts and Jessie. I moved forwards pushing him back until he was sitting on his throne. Pulling back I saw the blue flooding back in, he rasped "Lois again, please before he finds a weakness."

Rolling my eyes I whispered in his ear "Belief Cameron, is your weakness, you're don't believe you can beat him? He's not here is he? Liz is, inside your heart, which no longer beats but I bet it does for her."

Pulling back once more I saw he was blue eyed again. He looked at me in wonder "How?"

"I've not finished yet Cameron," I warned, I saw his lips twitch I frowned "What?"

He smiled faintly "You always call me by my full name, never my shortened name, why?"

"Well Cam," I replied smirking as he grasped what I just did, he chuckled "I like you Lois."

Shrugging "Ya won't in a minute love, believe me."

Closing my eyes I switched to my hell form, bonus for me being able to switch it on and off, not every time but the majority of the time it works. I looked at him smiling; my eyes would be a red/black to match his when he tuned to his demonic side. He winced "Do it Lois."

Calling my wind element I channelled it to purge his body and strangle the imposter inside. I narrowed my eyes at him "Wind destroy Richard's part inside of Cameron. After that, blow away any traces that could cause a threat to him."

My elements were almost like pets, they can form in a form of animal. Fire tends to take the form of a phoenix, earth a deer, electricity a lioness, water a dolphin, ice a polar bear and wind is a wolf. So in a way it's like they're alive...He writhed on the floor as wind went to work, I knew the pain, I had to prove I was worthy of ordering it about before it'd listen; so the pain was massive.


5 minutes later he was free, he chuckled as he ran a hand through his hair "Feels nice being free, thanks Lou."

"Cam," I snipped back rolling my eyes at him. Our attention was diverted by some blonde douche half way up the wall...Aiden who decided to cough loudly. Cam snickered "I love my new wall decoration - can I keep him?"

"By all means," I replied dryly looking at him, "although if you're gonna keep him we should probably leave now before he breaks free."

He nodded smirking "Teleport quickly, before he decides he wants you...in everyway possible.

My eyes widened, grabbing his hand I teleported us back to the castle. Jessie looked up when we appeared smiling "Great to have ya back Cam."

"You're missing Aiden." Xavier pointed out smirking at me, I sent him a look which he stuck his tongue out at me. Our relationship is a strange one, at times it's like we together, other times we're best friends almost like twins. We ended our relationship because of what we are. Shrugging I hooked at thumb to Cameron "He has a new wall decoration in his throne room."

Jessie snickered "Oh he will be annoyed at that - you left him halfway up the wall?!"

"Yeah," I replied easily settling down with Maisie next to me, Owen shook his head smiling at me "How he hasn't kissed you yet is a miracle."

I looked at him confused "Explain Owen."

"Or don't." Cameron added arching a brow at me, "lets see how long it takes before he get pushed to the edge."

Rolling my eyes at them I sighed "I give in, I wanna snooze so Maisie you're my new pillow."

Before I drifted off to sleep I was dimly aware of Cameron snorting "More like Aiden'll be your pillow."


Thoughts? Hope you're enjoying it so far, I've been working like crazy for you guys so love me please wolf cubs <3


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