Chapter 10

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Crystal - or Crys as everyone seems to call her - was leading us through the castle to Cam's throne room. Aiden seemed to have gravitated closer to my side, so close that sometimes our hands would brush, not that I've been noticing how close he is to me. That'd be ridiculous...fine I may have realised that I like him but its not like it's the right time to announce my feelings 'Hey Aiden I've decided I actually have feelings for you pet.' Throw in a nickname for good measure and I have feeling neither of us would be getting out of here without making out first. On top of that my mum died...well was murdered to be exact. Xavier decided to lumber Aiden on me so I'm slightly pissed at him - he more than likely did that on purpose. Sighing softly I glanced across to see we reached our destination...oh joy time to face the poor lost soul.

Crys grimaced "Good luck - he was in a foul mood earlier."

"Thanks Crys," Aiden murmured appreciatively.

Nodding she left us alone, steeling myself I opened the door to find Cameron sat there sulking. His gaze flicked up to meet mine then Aiden's; he tensed when he saw Aiden but otherwise made no other move. Jessie can you still hear me?

Yeah what's up Lou?

How am I meant to help him again - he just sat there...

She chuckled as she whispered what's your heart singing to you? What does your mind tell you? What springs to mind when you look at him?

Well I'm think break the emotional barrier Richard built, then to read him until I locate the piece of Richard inside of him, then to pull it out.

She hummed Exactly Lou. Now it's all up to you...or down really since you're technically in hell.

I swore if she were in person she would have winked at them point smirking, shaking my head I set my shoulders and advanced to Cam. His eyes tracking my movements across the room, as if he were the hunter and I the pray...ironic as I'm actually a demon hunter. Aiden said "Lois be careful, it's not him."

Sneaking a glance at him, I spotted the tell tale sign, his eyes were a black, this time no red. My mind began to whir as I tried to think about demon eyes; red and black signified the demons that were part human but when died they came into this realm with demon blood. Black shows that they're either a pure demon, or a ghost with demonic capabilities. His eyes when blue, is the true how do I bring it out?

He chuckled "Cam's a mere pawn in my game demon hunter..."

There was a crash behind me and Aiden was slammed against half way up the wall. I growled "Why are you up there!?"

"Lois," he hissed, "trust me, I love the ground so please do whatever you have to, to reach him."

He broke off with a groan, his lids fluttering down; I narrowed my eyes when I saw him try to conceal his twitch of pain. Whirling back round I faced Cameron...or rather Richard. He sneered "You're just a girl - there's no chance of you saving Cam. He's a lost cause, when he lost his soul mate he turned to darkness."

"Prove it." I replied softly.

He blinked, once, twice, thrice "What?"

"Prove to me, that he's not in there fighting for his control, for his body. Prove to me he still doesn't love Liz, that he's just gonna let Izzy and Celine go!" I growled, my eyes flaming as they switched to a strange mix of blue and green, one eye green the other blue.

He laughed "He's already gone Loissss."

"No. He. Isn't." I cried out as stared at him, I felt Jessie chuckle faintly clearly with me in mind and power just not inside me. She's more than likely updating them on the action; he rolled his neck as he walked down to me, grabbing my face in his hand he looked into my eyes "Why do you care what becomes of him?"

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