12: No You Can't Run Away, You Wouldn't

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When we got back from the studio I felt dizzy and just plain out exhausted.

Taylor hadn't been home yet and it made me even more tired. Physically and emotionally.

I decided to lay down for a while. Which didn't take long to turn into a four hour nap.

The air around me felt thick as I began to awake. It almost felt like I was chocking every time I took my breath.

Sloppily and like a zombie, I walk out of the room to make a quick cup of coffee.

I didn't bother to turn and look into Taylor's room for fear of what I might see.
Although I do doubt he would bring a girl home. Especially knowing that I am just across the hall. Well knowing Taylor he'd probably ask me to join.

I just kept my sight forward and walk straight into the kitchen. Ignoring the guy's prying eyes as they watch me.

"Are you hungry?" Josh asks as he stands up from the loveseat and follows my steps. I turn the corner and shake my head.

"no." I say shyly as I take a mug from the cabinet above my head.

"Well you haven't eaten all day." He comes closer to me and I take two steps to the side. "I worry about you."

I sigh. "I'm fine Josh. I just haven't been feeling well." I give him a fake smile and turn my attention back to the pantry.

He breathes heavily and walks away from me.

Thank god.

I scan the first two rows and nothing. I do the same to the opposite side of the pantry and come up empty handed.

"Guys?" I poke my head over the island that divides the kitchen and the living room. The only one to look up is Jeremy.

"What's up Hayles?" he asks and then quickly goes back to playing on his PSP.

"Did we buy coffee?" I go to check some other places it might be put away.

"No!" Zac calls out and I release an annoyed sigh.

Mental note: never go grocery shopping with four guys that literally live off of pizza and beer.

"Fine." I walk into the living room and open the coat closet.

"Where you going?" Josh asks as I slip into my leather jacket.

"Coffee shop." I say monotone as I place some money and ID into my pocket.

"Hold on let me come with you."

"No!" I say way too quickly and about three volume settings higher than I wanted. "I mean no it's okay. I'll be quick. Just gotta feed my addiction." I smile at his concerned eyes.

"Alright." He says as he puts down his jacket and goes back to sit with the guys.

I turn to them one last time and with one wave of my hand, I shut the door behind me and begin to walk down the stairs.

I walk with head down in order to avoid conversations with just about anyone I come across.

I take about five steps on the pavement when I bump into someone.

"Excuse me." I say as I look up. Instantly locking eyes with none other than Mister Taylor York.

"You're excused." He says with a smug smirk.

The side of my lips curl up.

"Where are you headed off to this late at night miss?" He asks as he pushes me to the side in order to avoiding getting hit by any passing cyclists.

"Coffee." I say as I look back down to the floor.

"No." He says sternly. Getting me to look up confused.

"No?" I cock my eyebrow up and place my hand on my hip.

"Yeah," he smiles, "you're not going for coffee." He takes my hand in his and begins to guide me in the opposite direction of the coffee house.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask as I follow along with my hand in his loose grip.

"Just come on." He turns and gives me a side smile.

I breathe heavily and tighten my grip on his hand. He gives my hand a frim squeeze.

And with that little gesture I find myself blushing uncontrollably.

*Guys! I'm so sorry for neglecting this story. I've just had a little too much on my plate. Currently planning my birthday & doing homework and stuff... But I'm trying very hard to upload as much as I can.

I'd really like to know what your thoughts on the story are so far?*

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