A grudge against myself

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T2 looked at him with stone face. He began to lean forward into his chair, and placed his fingers on his lips.
"Tell me," T2 inquired. "What do, you feel?"
         T3 looked amused whilst sitting. He gave a small grin, and replied. "Isn't it obvious?" He leaned back into his chair.
T2 shook his head. "No. it isn't."
T3 stopped grinning, and his face became still.
"I feel just as much, if not, more than you do." T3 replied.
"I would highly disagree." Contradicted T2.
"And whys that?" He questioned, leaning into his chair.
" your actions, and how your responses are to stimuli are quite disturbing, if I say so myself." T2 began to write something on a small clipboard.
"What fucking stimuli?" T3's voice became apparent with rage, but it always did.
"The same stimuli you've been subjected to for the past fourteen years."
T3 shook his head. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. That isn't stimuli, 2. That life, a constant pain plagued from birth. It isn't stimulating, it's numbing."
T2 looked with interest. "While I will agree with you, you use it to hide yourself. don't you?" T3 remained silent for the time being.
"Do not tempt me. You and I are in the same pathetic body, and it would be a shame if something were to happen." His voice became darker, and hinted a sinister tone.
T2 stopped his actions immediately, and looked up from his writing. "I would advise against this action. And if you are to continue, Then I, will put a stop to it." T2 continued to write.
T3 chuckled at his remark. "You and I are different in many, many ways. Strength just so happens to fall under that category."
"I believe your sadly mistaken," T2 said whilst writing. "As you said yourself, we are two within one body. We share the same traits physically, however we are different in terms of thought."
T3 developed a scowl, for he knew he was wrong. He hated to be wrong. He despised those who made him looked bad, and had only one option to rid of them. Kill them.
T2 stopped his writing, and looked up from the clipboard. "I assume your angry again." T3 gave a rude gesture. "No shit," T3 said sarcastically. "What gave it away."
"It's sad that I have to share this mind with you." T2 said.
"That makes two of us."

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