Bad News

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OMG guys I'm so super duper sorry I'm keeping you guys waiting. School is such a pain in the ass right now. I've had TWO TESTS already and we just started school 😑. Got one tomorrow so gotta study for that soon. I'm trying to do my best to write the next chapter.

On a more serious note:

I'm loosing my groove for this story. Unfortunately I will end the story soon. I don't know when, it could in a few weeks, next month, or even the next chapter. Honestly I don't know. I'm so sorry you guys. But I may be up to doing one shots in the future, but for now "Unlikely Bond" will be coming to end. I will tell you guys when the last chapter will be.

But I will write other things in the future, don't worry. I'll have brand new material to give out, but it probably won't have to do with Wassabi Productions. I am open to your ideas, but as long as they're bxb ( I suck at writing straight fan fiction 😑).

Anyway keep waiting guys, and keep reading till the end.



UPDATE: 9/20/15

So I have decided that final chapter will be after the upcoming one I'll be posting soon. So sorry guys but all good things must come to an end. That you so much guys for reading this. I honestly didn't think anyone was even going to stick around after the first chapter, but you guys did. Thank you, and I'll do my best to write the best ending I can.


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