Chapter Twenty-Four

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    When I woke the next morning, I felt a cool breeze come over me. I carefully looked around my room, just like I did last night, but again, like last night, there was nothing out of the ordinary. Not a hair out of place as I took in my seemingly organized room. Don’t get me wrong, there wasn’t anything, everything was in it’s place. My books were on my desk’s bookshelf, my clothes are still in my small closet, and my pictures are in their frames either sitting on my desk, or hanging on my wall.

    After shaking my head, dismissing these irrelevant superstitious feelings as I climbed out of bed, and got ready for school. I took a long, hot shower, letting the hot water warming my entire body, making the cool breeze I’d felt earlier disappear. All the while, I tried my best to get my thoughts in order, remembering that today will be like a normal day. Except that there will be nothing normal about it, especially when I know that my boyfriend is a vampire. When I got out, I wrapped myself, and my hair in a towel, I felt like all of today is figured out.

    When I opened my bedroom door, and I quickly found myself gasping at the sight of Draco sitting in my desk, looking like he’s been here before. I have always imagined him in my bedroom, but not like this.

    “What are you doing here?” I shrieked, not controlling the volume of my voice as I clutched the towel closer to my body, and even though I know that Mom and Dad aren’t home, I couldn’t help but look over my shoulder.

    “I just had to see you.” He murmured, his lopsided grin already in play. And if I wasn’t wearing nothing but a towel, I would’ve melt after hearing his voice, but this is totally different.

    “You couldn’t pick a better time?” I asked, meaning to be a rhetorical, but I was surprised to see him shaking his head. “Could you at least turn around so I can change?” I reiterated, hoping that this time, he’ll comply.

    “No problem.” He said, before turning the chair, to where he’s facing nothing but the wall.

    I sighed with relief as I headed toward my dresser, and try to find a bra and comfy panties. After finding some, I looked over my shoulder, and I could only see nothing but the back of his head. And when he doesn’t move, I carefully dropped the towel around my body, and slipped on my undergarments.

    After that, I looked at him again, and when I see that he still hasn’t moved a muscle, I headed for my closet, determined to make this quick as I find some skinny jeans, and a long sleeve shirt.  After putting on my clothes I took a deep breath before I could turn around, and face him, only to find that he’s already turned around. His blue eyes boring into mine, and making my heart race twice as fast than normal.

    And when our eyes met, he stood up from the chair, and almost instantaneously, he’s standing before me, and it took everything within me to not faint. I reached up to remove the towel wrapped around my hair, but already, his hands already beat me to it. My hair falling down past my shoulders, stopping just mere inches away from my waist.

    And when he gathered a chunk of wet, reddish brown hair, and tucked it behind my ear, I could feel my face heating up.

    I closed my eyes as his hands cupped my face, letting the feel of his touch take it’s natural course as it first sends a quick chill, but instantly becomes warm. When I opened them again, I was glad that he hasn’t disappeared into thin air, confirming my sudden theory that I’m probably still dreaming.

    “You look beautiful.” He said, catching me off guard.

    I turned, removing myself from his touch, obviously embarrassed by hearing his words said aloud. When I saw the look of hurt out of the corner of my eye, I decided it was time to explain myself. “No, I’m not…” I mumbled, my voice barely containing any volume.

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