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Sun shone bright this summer morning. Birds are chirping, Maids are cleaning, chefs are cooking, gardeners chatting, and others are doing their daily chores in the Mansion.

Mikan sat in the dinning table munching on her breakfast while scrolling on her phone and Youichi sat infront of her watching news as he drank a cup of coffee.

"Aren't you eating anything, Onii-sama?" Mikan ask as Youichi look at her and shook his head.

"I'll eat later, I need drop by at the company, some people are complaining, Brother Rei said and i quote a bitch be bitchin but ain't biting anything and then i need to pick him up at the airport this afternoon" Youichi stated as Mikan sweat dropped.

'Just where did Onii-sama learned those language?' Mikan thought.

Ding! Dong!

A maid nodded after receiving signal from Youichi to answer the door.

Sound of heels can be heard as it keeps getting nearer to the dinning room.

"Young lady, Young Master, Miss Hotaru is here" The maid announced and entered A long haired Raven haired woman with a stoic face but smiled when she saw Mikan.

"Mikan" She called out.

"Hotaruuu..." Mikan greeted, stood up and crashed her best friend in a warm soft hug.

"Stop hugging me, idiot" Hotaru said emotionless but a small smile can be spotted in the corners of her mouth.

"Sorry hehehe" Mikan said as she plastered a bright smile. Hotaru spotted Youichi and nodded at him as he nod back, acknowledging her presence

"Let's go? The others are waiting" hotaru said as he look at his watch

"Yeah, I'm ready" mikan said as she run back to her seat and took her pouch.

"Onii-sama, I'll leave now" Mikan said as she run up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheeks.

"Be careful, guards will be with you but hidden" Youichi reminded as Mikan nodded with a smile, quite used to her brother's overprotectiveness.

"Will do!" She exclaimed before leaving with Hotaru.


"Hey Ruka, where are we going? and why are the others here?" Natsume asked the blond boy beside him as he glanced at his other three friends.

"we will meet my girlfriend and her friends at the mall." Ruka stated as Natsume grumbled in annoyance.

"Why do we have to meet them?" natsume asked.

"Hotaru wanted to shop and besides, it's kind of a double date witht he rest just want to hang out" Ruka explained as Natsume look at him confused.

"What do you mean?"

Ruka look at him and smiled.

"One of Hotaru's friends is Koko's girlfriend, i think her name is Sumire" Ruka pointed at their back where Koko had a goofy smiled on his face with a peace sign as Yuu just smiled and nodded while Kitsune just muched on chips.

"If this is a date, I don't have to be here" natsume stated attempting to leave but was hold back by Ruka.

"Wait, Hotaru wanted to shop, i don't want sit there alone as she browsed around" Ruka stated and pull Natsume.

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