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I used my Overloader for as long as I could while Imani was on my back to jump rooftop to rooftop. I kept looking back as to make sure we weren't being followed and I suddenly felt exhausted. My facet shut down. I was at my limit. I sat Imani down and I fell to my knees not able to lift a finger.

"I fucking hate you assassins. You think you're so superior but never realize that some people don't join up just because they have gifts." The same girl I saw Imani kill was standing right in front of us and her brother jumped up beside her as well.

This is bad, I thought taking out my pistol and aiming it at her head. She only smiled as she held out her hand." I know exactly what's going through your mind right now. Your thinking why on earth has she not killed
us yet I mean we're both trapped." Her smile got even broader as she continued." We've been studying you two for quite some time. How're the kids?" She asked and Imani got up to her feet coughing heavily. "I swear on God almighty I will make sure you die painfully and afraid if you harm a hair on their heads." She said activating her gauntlet.

I stopped thinking. I shot her right between the eyes and I watched her fall, only to see her grab her forehead and writhe in pain before getting back up slowly, much to my surprise.

"Okay maybe that wasn't the right thing to say. Well, maybe you might agree that I'm some sort of monster. You'd be right, but I wouldn't shoot again if I were you. You've been surrounded."

Me and Imani looked around us and saw men on adjacent rooftops, right behind them, supported by a chopper humming above.

"I only wish to make an invitation. Senseless killing is unjust. Why work for someone who won't get there own hands bloody? We are a government funded organization built to maintain order. We never kill anyone but our target. Don't you think that doing what you just did was extreme. They're trying to turn you into emotionless killers.

The next thing I saw blew my mind. I looked to the sky and saw a gigantic floating airship, materializing from thin air. It was the size of a small town. Before I knew it I was on my knees.

"We would never harm your kids." She said as she raised her hand to Imani and I saw the wound on her stomach heal up." I just thought it would stun you long enough for me to explain why we're here, but it seems you've been trained better. We need a small unit like you to manage all of our stealth operations. Let us take you home I know it's a lot to take in, but I have the answers to all your questions should you have any." She said as she motioned for the chopper to lower a ladder down to the rooftop.

Imani has always had a temper, and as I looked at her it seemed like she was not gonna give up until each and everyone of them were dead, but I saw the battle in her head as she pulled off the bionic glove to signal her full surrender.

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