Part 4: who is this?!?!

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The mysterious girl disappeared mumbling something and Jane was getting closer as you cussed under your breath and started to run again, Jane hollered
You thought she might be right, you better stop running from her so the punishment is small, but you took out your phone and you saw it had no bars and you accidentally dropped it and continued running as Jane stopped to see what you dropped, she picked up your phone and turned it on then you got hear her groaning out of rage and she hollered WHO IS THIS SLUT ON YOUR HOME SCREEN?!?! IS SHE YOUR SISTER, SHR MUST BE, SURELY NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND She laughed wickedly and went back to the manor finally....I'm safe.... you saw a main road and followed it to a small town and you found an dumpster and slept in that, eating a bag of skittles you had in your back pocket an you fell asleep

((Time skip brought to you by mr.popo and dende!!))

You woke up looking around remembering the previous day and you climbed out of the dumpster and you started asking for dirrections as you saw a familiar pale woman wearing a black dress and she looked at you and blushed then tackle hugged you
Slenda: oh (y/n)!! You made it out alive!! She didn't hurt you or anything did she????
You shaked your head no and said please don't bring me back there, I beg of you!!
Slenda: she kisses your cheek Of course not!! I don't want that bitch taking you again!!
You looked in the alley way and saw the same girl wearing a tan jacket with a green eye and a clock eye staring at you clenching her fist and gritting her teeth at Slenda.....

yandere Female creepy pasta x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now