Its not like i wanted it.

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We drove in silence for awhile longer. I felt awkward after hearing Chrollo say he was in love with me along with Illumi and Hisoka. I felt even more awkward knowing that I was going to be alone with them pretty much for the next couple days. I was actually thanking everything that was holy that the kids were with us.


However I truly didn't want to be here in the first place now that I knew the truth. Maybe I can just avoid the plague. Will that hurt their feelings?

"Maya?" Chrollo broke my concentration of all the ways I could ditch them. One if them was throwing Chrollo out on the road and drive away as fast as I can.

"Hmm?" I asked him quietly. I looked in the review mirror to see my sister and Kurapika sound asleep. We've been driving for almost 5 hours. Where the hell were we going anyway?

"I'm sorry I said that so suddenly. I didn't mean to make you feel awkward." He told me looking out his window. I looked at him with a 'you're fucking with me right?' Look.

"Well its kind of too late for that. And why aren't you acting like yourself?"

"What do you mean?" He asked me raising his voice an octave.

"I mean... Why aren't you acting like you do at school? The cocky jack ass who can get with any female that breathes?"

"I don't act like that?" I snorted at his hurt look.

"The hell you don't. The first time you talked to me you tried to black mail me into sleeping with you while I was leaving. And the second time you black mailed me into going on a date with you only to dump ravioli all over me and spread photos around school." I noticeably flinched at my words.

"It's gonna take a while for you to get over that isn't it?" He asked me quietly. I felt his eyes burning holes in the side of my face and moved my eyes to look at him for a split second. He looked sad. I gulped and looked back at the road.

"Well I guess it's not that big of a deal, but don't expect me to not say something if we get into an argument." He chuckled once with a dry tone.

"Does that mean there will be arguments? Are you choosing me then?" I jerked the wheel to the side at his sudden question but quickly got ahold of myself again. My face was ablaze with a shade I've never seen before as I tried to look at the road and not him.

"N-no. That isn't what I means idiot. I just m-meant that since you're taking me in this trip I might as well be friends with you or you will probably make me pay you back for it is all." I vented while gripping the wheel til my knuckles turned white. He laughed a melodic laugh that almost let me relax.

"That was hysterical Maya." He said through his laughter.

"Glad my embarrassment could amuse you." I grumbled out and turned the radio on loud to drive wn out his continuous and obnoxious laughter. Surprisingly the kids kept on sleeping. I wish they would wake up so I had an excuse to talk to someone other then the cocky jack ass that's screws any female that breathes.

Hisoka POV:

"Looks like they're having a good time." I smirked as I saw the car behind us swerve into the next lane before getting back onto its side.

"I'm sure Chrollo Lucilfer has said something to her and caused her to become flustered." I Illumi told me without taking his eyes off of the road.

"Do you think he may have said something about you're feelings towards her?" I asked him to try and get under his skin. His brows furrowed but his tone remained the same. How was Maya into him? He was utterly boring. And she was... Well... Anything but boring.

"If he has then he as also mentioned yours and his." Was all he told me in return. I grinned and shrugged. Gon and Killua were sleeping pretty much ontop of one another in the back seat even with their seatbelts on the could manage those positions.

"I suppose you're right." I Muttered with a raised eyebrow.

"Why do you like her Hisoka Schwing?" He asked me after a few moments in silence. I stiffened. I wasn't expecting his to ask me about my feelings for her when he has his own.

"Because she amuses me. Because she's the only girl I know that does amuse me anymore. She doesn't take shit and she doesn't just get in bed with me like the others. Plus she has one hell of right hook. I find it pretty hot. Not to mention she's got beg tits and a nice body." I made her hourglass body shape with my hands but stopped when he scoffed at me.

"So in other words you just want to try and get into her pants because she's a challenge to you?" Illumi asked me making me glare at him and tighten my fists. I wasn't about to make this some mushy conversation. But I really did like her for other reasons then because she was my biggest challenge.

"Then why the hell do you like her? You only do homework together." I hissed at him.

"Because I do." I raised an eyebrow at his answer and urged him to go on.

"I've been watching her since freshman year. She was a beauty and held herself high but didn't think she was better then everyone around her. She had confidence but at the same time she was unsure of herself. She didn't lower herself to cry when someone bullied her.

She didn't lower herself to do cruel things to others but she still stood up for herself. This year she's taken over taking care of her preteen sister when she's barely even old enough to get a job while her parents are in the hospital. She's far more then just a girl with 'big tits and a nice body'." He sneered my own words back at me.

"She's protective, yet kind. She's beautiful but not artificial. And she's smart. Any guy that took the opportunity to actually see those things would fall for her." He finally finished. I glared at him with a heated stare.

"Just because I didn't want to say it all out loud doesn't mean I don't see those things either fucker. Not everyone can be a stalker like you." I mumbled but cooled down when I saw him grinning to himself.

Pssshhh. He's actually proud of being a stalker too

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