unwanted company

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Going into masons house I swept the the place and saw all the possible ways of getting out if need be. He had not changed at all since I last saw him two years ago. His home gave off a comforting atmosphere that almost screamed safety. And even though I knew there was no such thing as safety I could imagine my self in a safe heaven in his house the natural colors of the wall and all the plants with matching dark mahogany furniture and skylights made the house look homey. I went up to the spare room and pulled opened the closet door to see that my clothes still hung in the same place I had left them. Grabbing a simple gray t shirt and dark skinny jeans I went into the shower making sure I scrubbed my self clean with out hurting my self further. Finishing my look with my black hiking boots I went out to find the kitchen. I could hear some pans banging in there but I was also positive that mason said he wasn't home, carefully rounding the corner I did a quick assessment of the place but could only hear noise coming from with in the kitchen using the mirror opposite of it I could vaguely make out the silhouette of a man. Grabbing my hand gun from my back I steadied my injured leg and braced my self for the worst. Steping out halfway ,
" you know is not real nice to point a gun in the direction of stranger with out a little warning before hand."

The stranger said turning around with a plate in his hands, that contained some rice and what looked to be diced chicken and vegetable. Looking him up and down he appeared to be about six feet  three inches tall,he had dark brown hair, bright green eyes, and he was well built.
"Well it's not nice to be in someone's home uninvited."
I retorted with a sneer. I've never seen this man in the company of mason so I'm not letting my guard down no matter what. even if  he was really attra- no what Megan get your head out the gutter I reprimanded myself.
" so are you gonna stand there all day or would you like to eat?" The stranger questioned me while putting food into his mouth
"You have five minutes to tell me who the hell you are,what want, and how you got in or I swear I'll shoot you." I told him proud that my authoritative voice didn't fail me.
" woah woah, no need for violence- " he said Putting his hands in a gesture as if to show he wasn't a threat, good luck with that bucko
"I think I better introduce myself, my name is luke Walter,and I'm masons room mate. " he said looking pensive for a while before nodding and getting up. Raising my gun at him again I held my finger on the trigger ready to pull when my phone rang
" don't move." Taking out my phone it read mason
" there's a man dark hair green eyes six three well built claims to be luke Walter-"
" don't kill him I forgot to tell you he's my roommate." Mason said in a rushed voice. Looking over at luke he held an amused grin.
" your friend should be thankful you called, because honestly his arrogance would of cost him his life. " I say without emotion.
" I know, I'm sorry I should of told you before." Sighing I put my gun down and back where it belongs.
"Got it." Waking over to the stove I see i was right about my guess so tacking a plate I helped myself to some.
" doesn't mean your ok, so for your sake don't make a stupid decision. "
"Right...you must be the uptight sailor." He questions looking down at his plate playing with the non existent food there. " no but I can be the bitch you see blowing your brains out." Looking up at him I could tell my noncholent words startled him a bit since his green eyes widen up the tiniest before he regained his emotionless face. "Right well your to intense for my liking but nice meeting you and please try not to kill me accidentally." He said with a smirk. Taking my time and for the first time enjoying a meal I watch him walk out.

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