' He just doesn't want to believe that rogues passed the borders without their knowledge. ' my wolf says.

' I know, I still don't like the fact that he's not even letting me explain.' I say back.

" Don't raise your voice at me Amber." Says my father.

" Sir there were rogues, she's not lying to you." Says Tasha trying to help, but all that got her was a hard glare from dad and the third in commend, which I forgot to say was her father.

" You two need to stop lying now and tell me what really happened!" Says my dad.

" We are telling the truth. Tasha killed one of them that tried to kill me. I have the scratches to prove it." I say.

" That another lie. I don't believe you. Both of you need to follow the rules now and put this childish lying behind you." Says my father.

" Dad we were following the rules, but we had no choice but to break them. It was that or we'd be dead." I cry.

" Amber stop... " but he was interrupted by someone behind him.

" Their not lying, I saw it with my own eyes." Says Kurt walking up.

Alpha George looked shocked. " We even have one injured but alive. We're keeping him captive for questioning. They have him at the pack jail, the other two are dead." Says Kurt.

My father doesn't say anything. I'm furious now. They listen as Kurt explains everything to them. Sure they'll believe him but not us.

After he's done my father looks at me again. " Why didn't you mind link me?" Says my father.

" I did, but it wouldn't work." I say.

" How is that even possible?" Says my father.

I shrug. He then looks at both Tasha and me but doesn't say anything. I sigh in anger and walk towards the door. I still can't believe he wouldn't believe his own child.

No one but Kurt tries to stop me. " Are you sure you should be going out on your own?" He asks.

" I'll be fine. The rogues are gone. I'll be back soon." I say. He nods and let's me leave. Though his face proves that he doesn't like the fact I'm going out on my own, but I don't care right now. I can take care of myself and I'm to angry to care what they think.

I run off to the woods and shift, after I slip off what I was wearing, I then take off with the clothes in my mouth.

This makes no sense, first there's a huge jail break at Alpha Conan's pack, and there's possibly escaped prison people roaming the woods in our territory. Which j can fight if I have to. I hope I don't though.

Then somehow rogues make it onto our territory without being noticed by our pack or any of the people that patrol the borders.

Then on top of all that, they target my house and try to kill me and my best friend. What their reason was, I'll never know unless that rogue tells everything.

What was even more weird was the fact that I couldn't mind link my father, but I was able to mind link Tasha.

I'm just so furious, I'm getting lost in thought running though the woods as fast as I can. It was dark, but I was able to see everything clearly thanks to my wolf sight.

As I go deeper into the woods, into a deeper part that I've never been I stop running.

I then sense something, I'm not alone. I look around and spot a huge wolf. He's looking straight at me. His wolf is beautiful, he's light grey and white with a tad of dark grey mixed in, in some spots, and on top of that he is the only wolf I've ever seen with such startling blue eyes.

Then I catch his scent. It's amazing, but hard to describe.

I lock eyes with him and everything starts to fall into place.

My eyes go wide. I can feel my wolf going crazy wanting to be next to him.

I quickly run behind a tree and shift back to human form and quickly slip on the clothes I was wearing and head back around the tree.

I jump when I see there is now a man standing before me, he's only wearing shorts, but I don't pay attention to that or even think about where he got those shorts from. He must have had them in his mouth as wolf form.

He's a bit taller then me with pitch black hair that blends into the night. His muscles in his chest, arms and legs proves he work out and is strong. His face is beautiful, even if he had dirt  all over his face and body. He has blue eyes like his wolf. He looks real young, around 18.

He walks forward till his inches away from me and stares into my eyes. 

My wolf goes crazy, and screams one word into my mind. ' MATE!!! '

Then I realize this amazing beautiful looking man with startling blue eyes like his wolf who I don't even know that I just met in the woods is my mate. Then he speaks one word and confirms what my wolf said.

" Mate."

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