Chapter 4

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"Guys go! Leave! Go get someone! Quick!!" I frantically yelled as he dragged me away. He pulled me until we reached a dark room that appeard to be empty. When we entered he immediately shut and locked the door. Then he let go of me and let me stand. I still had the knife in my hand and as soon as a I regained my balance I charged at him, but he dodged me in an almost bored way.

"You can't kill me." He said mockingly.

"Well I'll try my best." I sneered.

"Tut tut. Here give me the knife."

"What?! No way. I'm not going to be killed without even putting up a fight!"

"Oh you silly girl! I'm not going to kill you! Now give me the knife!" You could tell he was loosing all patience, and I really had no choice. Reluctantly, I handed over the knife.

"Good see we're learning obedience."

I scowled and gave him the dirtiest look I knew.

"Ok now watch." All of a sudden, out of no where, he stabbed..... Himself! 'Ha!' I thought, 'the madman just killed himself!' But then I remembered when I stabbed him earlier.....

"What are you?!" I protested, fear rising in my voice. This man - or thing more like it - couldn't be killed.

"I am a human, or at least I was one. When I was a child much like yourself I -"

"I'm not a child!" I interrupted hotly.

"Uh, of course not. Well where was I? Oh yes.... When I was a child I lived in this house - but mind you that was over a hundred years ago when it was brand new. Best in the village if I might say so myself. Well, one night my parents had gone out and so I snuck a look around the house. I wasn't allowed to go everywhere. When I was looking I came across this room that had been hidden behind a cabinet that had obviously been placed there quite roughly. I thought, 'Why would mother and father try and hide this room?' A part of my brain was telling me to not go in, that it was hidden for a reason. But curiosity got the better of me so I stepped inside. "

He gave a slow and fearful gulp then continued.

"When I entered I looked around and thought the room to be bare. I thought it was odd that my parents would hide an empty room from me. Just as I was about to step out the door I heard a grunt. I scanned the room, fear starting to rise inside me, and to my astonishment, I saw a lady with her hands and legs in chains that were locked to the wall. 'Please help me! Please! Please......' She called. I didn't know what to do. Mother and father had someone imrpisoned! It never occurred to me that the reason being was because she was dangerous though - the only thing that coursed through my mind was that they were terrible people who locked up the innocent. So my naive self walked up to the lady and unlocked her chains. When I was done I stepped back to let her stand up, walk around a bit. As she started to get up an evil grin spread across her face. 'Stupid boy you are.' Her voice was old but oddly sweet and sickening at the same time. 'You should never help a witch!' "

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