So What Now?

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"I agree, which is why I asked you to come by this evening," he paused, as if his words should have elicited a response, but the couple remained silent. He looked from Regina's brown eyes, full of well-tamed terror, and Robin's blue ones, more obviously showing his anxiety and worry. He took a deep breath in and held his hands together, "Both the ultrasound and the biopsy showed evidence of cancer in your uterus. There is a small mass, perhaps the size of a quarter, in the organ, but the biopsy returned signs of cancer cells to confirm that's what is."

Robin squeezed her hand tight as she shut her eyes, hoping when she opened them this would all have been a nightmare. She couldn't speak. There were no words she could possibly think to say in that moment. Luckily, that's why she had Robin, "What stage is it? When will she begin treatment?"

"It's very early, which is better than expected due to her symptoms. Regina, with your family history of cancer, I would like to be safe and do a complete hysterectomy," he said, directing his attention to the woman who was now staring blankly at the edge of his desk.

"Fine," she answered immediately.

"And there is one other thing I'd like for us to do to ensure that, once you're in remission, you'll never have to worry again."

"What's that?" Robin asked curiously.

Regina looked up at the doctor as he said, "One round of chemotherapy."

"No," she said instantly, "No way."

"Regina," Robin tried to reason with her, "I think we should hear him out."

"Regina, you had good reason to refuse treatment last time; your child was your first priority and I completely understand that. But this time around, you only have yourself to worry about and the best thing you can do is to take my advice. Chemotherapy could be the difference between life and death."

His words hit her hard and nearly knocked the wind right out of her. This was it. This was the problem and these were her options. She looked at Robin who was staring back at her with pleading eyes. This could kill her; this could be the beginning of the end of her life. No. She'd promised herself she would fight; for more nights spent dancing with Robin, for archery lessons, for horseback rides through Essex with her sons, for weddings and graduations and anniversaries and grandchildren...

"Okay," she said through a raspy, tired voice, "When will I start?"


They chose to walk back to Enchanted Plaza after leaving Doctor Whale's office. He held her hand, whether she wanted him to or not, as they strolled along in the first uncomfortable silence they ever shared in their relationship. Regina's mind was wandering, replaying everything she'd just been told, while Robin was merely in a state of shock. Neither of them had cried; the reality of the situation hadn't hit them yet.

She turned to him suddenly and asked, "How are we supposed to tell the kids?"

"I don't know," he confessed, worried about how Henry and Roland would react to the news that their mother was in fact sick.

"If I start treatment this week, they need to know. Henry will notice something is wrong and just be angry that we didn't tell him sooner," she stated.

"You want to tell them tonight?" He asked, terrified of facing that conversation only moments after hearing the news for themselves.

The Road to Forever ~ The Sequel to Modern FairytaleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang