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"What?" I say, but Amber had already hung up. "Alright, replay it." Emma had been smart enough to record the conversation so we could replay it for evidence. We listen to it again. Suddenly, Emma looks up, and I can almost see a lightbulb pop into existence over her head.

" Every third letter!" She exclaims.


"Amber says you respond, meaning come to save her, after every third letter! We just have to pick out the third letters of all the random words she said! So let's see..." We replay it, and Emma writes down all the words Amber says. "Helpmeiamindanger?" She says, after decoding the mysterious message.

"You idiot, separate the words!" We do so, and Emma exclaims,

"Help me, I am in danger! We have to go save her!"

"Hold your horses honey, we don't even know where she is!" At that moment, Mallory wakes up.

"Oh, crap!" She says, sitting up. "Jasmine!"

Once Upon a Time- Regina's daughter: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now