Chapter 2

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Hermione's P.O.V

I felt bad for Draco... he didn't eat at all. He was getting skinnier every day that passed, I took him to visit Harry when I knew Ron had classes and he didn't. After potion class, I dragged Draco with me. "Draco you have to eat... if Harry sees you like this when he wakes up, he'll just be more upset..." I said. "If he wakes up..." Draco mumbled. "Draco don't think like that of course he will wake up!" I said. "Just face it Hermione! It's been two weeks now! And nothing has changed! He will never wake up, and it's my fault!!" He snapped. "Draco..." I tried, but was cut off. "No! I can't do this anymore! I just can't!" He hissed and left. "Why did you talk to Malfoy?" Ron asked. "It's nothing..." I said. "Did he hurt you? If he did, I swear..." he began , but I cut him off. "It's nothing Ron!" I said. We walked to the hospital wing, there was a letter beside Harry's bed. I took it and read it, there were wet spots on it.

Dear Harry...

This will be my last words to you... I just want you to know, that I love you okay. I'm so sorry for all the trouble I've cost you during the years... I was forced to hate you by my father. I never hated you Harry... I'm sorry I made you cut, I'm sorry I made you kill yourself. But I will soon be gone... I just want to let you know I really am sorry... I've always loved you Harry... I just couldn't let you know, because of my father and well... you know who. I will not be here when you read this... if you read this. You were the only reason I wanted to come back, to Hogwarts this year. I know it's silly, but it's true. I'm not loved by my parents... it's like I doesn't even exist... I'm sorry I let my trouble get over you.

Love Draco Malfoy...

"Who was it from?" Ron asked. "Sorry Ron I have to go!" I said, and ran out of the hospital wing. I  had to find Draco! I ran into Pansy, "watch where you go Granger!" She snapped. "Have you seen Draco? It's important!" I said. "If I had I wouldn't tell you!" She snapped. I don't have time for this, I ran away. I found Professor Mcgonagall, "Professor! Have you seen Draco? I have to find him!" I said quickly. "What's the problem?" She asked. I gave her the letter, and waited for her reaction. "We have to fine Snape! Maybe he know's where Draco might be" she said. We found Snape, he was in the middle of a potion class for first years. "Professor Snape, can I please talk to you, it's very important" Professor Mcgonagall said. He came out, "what can I help you with Professor Mcgonagall" he asked in his usual tone. "It's about Mr. Malfoy... give him the letter" she said to me. I gave it to him, and he read it. His eyes widened, "we have to go to the dungeons" he said. We ran to the dungeons, all the other Slytherins looked at us... especially me. "Have any of you seen Draco Malfoy?" Snape asked. "He's in his room..." a second year said. Snape leaded the way, Draco's door was locked with a spell... not that I was suprised. "Draco open the door right this instant!" Snaped yelled. No answer... he was in there though, you could hear his sobs. What was he doing in there? We had to get the door open, before it's too late. Some of the Slytherins gathered around us, looking a bit worried at Snape. Draco didn't open, and soon the sobs were gone... and the whole room was filled with silence. Snape was done being nice, and get Draco to open the door. He opened it himself... with a spell I've never heard of. Draco was lying on his bed, with closed eyes and really pale skin. Snape ran over to him, to check his pulse. He looked up, "he's still breathing... but we have to be quick. Granger get Madam Pomfrey down here!" He said. I ran to the hospital wing, and found Madam Pomfrey. "You have to come to the Dungeons! It's Draco... he's hurt!" I gasped trying to get some air into my lungs from running all the way. 
In a second we were back to the dungeons, and back to Draco's room. He was even paler than before, Snape was trying to keep him alive. "What took you so long?!" Snape snapped. "Just forget it, hurry before it's too late!" He commanded. I just stood there, he better not die.

Madam Pomfrey was done working on Draco, she had given him some potion for the pain. "He'll not wake wake up before tomorrow. He may not be alone... he always need to have someone to watch him" she said. "I'll do it..." I said. 

Draco's P.O.V

My eyelids were heavy, like the were glud to my face. I didn't remember what happened last night, or why I felt so weird... my whole body was sore. I slowly opened my eyes, every thing was blurry to begin with. I had to blink several times, to be able to see anything. I was in my dorm room, in my bed... my sheets tucked up to my neck. I saw Hermione sitting in a chair, beside me... she was sleeping. What was she doing here? Then it all came back... I was going to kill myself. It didn't work... I can't even kill myself. How pathetic I am! Hermione woke up, "Draco! You're awake!" She said. Unfortunately. "What on earth what you thinking?!" She said, a little more angry. "It's my fault... it's all my fault! I'm the stupiest person who ever existed! I'm so worthless just like my father said!!" I yelled. She looked shocked. What have I done? I shouldn't have said that... now he's going to kill me... my dad is going to kill me. Hermione reached out for my hand, "get away from me! I'm a monster! Get away from me!!!" I screamed. I was having a breakdown, Professor Snape came in. He tried to calm me down, he was the only one who truly cared for me. "Please leave Granger, I can handle this..." I heard him say. I didn't want this life anymore, I just wanted it to end. I didn't want to be a death eater... I never wanted to be one of them. "Why me..." I cried. "Draco you'll get trhough this okay. I'll get you through it, you don't have to do it..." he said. "Yes I do! Or else he will kill me!!!" I screamed. I felt sleepy, "get some rest... you'll need it" snape said. "I want to see him..." I mumbled. "Who?" Snape asked. "Harry..." I mumbled. I was laid down, "you can when you wake up okay?" He asked. "Promise?" I asked, like when I was a kid, he was the one protecting me from nightmares, since my parents didn't care about me. "I promise" he said. I soon fell asleep, exhausted from all the screaming.

Chapter 2!!! Please leave a comment and tell me what you think! It would mean a lot to me!

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