i'll help you... ( a diggy simmons ♥ story)

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your point of view

setting: Manhattan, New York.

date: January 25,2012

location: the projects you call "home " time period: 12:45pm

Bio: your name Is Cyanna-Ciara BrintWood, but you like to go by your middle name [your name ] , because you like it better than your first name.You're 17 years old, your birthday is July 22nd . The high school you USEF to attend was called "Lavilla Grove High School ". I live with my drug addicted and alcoholic, abusive mother. ( she made me drop out of school in the 10th grade because she wanted me to help her make some money so she can get her next fix, or bottle of vodka, she makes me sleep with men for money )

My father was shot and killed due to the fact that my mother was sleeping with a man who was part of a gang, my dad found out , went crazy and left her . She couldn't afford any of the fastly in coming bills like daddy did. She knew that daddy had a 1 million dollar life insurance policy and the only way to get that money is if he was DEAD!

the bio will be continued later I'm in school at the moment and I'm switching classes so ttyl peeps lol ♥♥


okayy sorry for taking so long peeps but I'm baaaaackk! Lol so imma continue where I left off at kayy READY. SET.GOOO!!


(p.s your were ten at the time )

so being the cold hearted witch she is, mommy had her lover and drug supplier to assassinate daddy Mafia style; not even a week after daddy was killed she immediately got the insurance money, it was eye popping at how fast she spent that money in the amount of time she did.

She didn't even spend of the money on me AT ALL , but little did my mother nor I know, my daddy had TWO! separate million dollar life policy accounts, but the one mother got was only a million dollars and the one he was saving me was over FIVE million dollars!

But, now my mother is man-less and always depressed......

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