Date night

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This is my first ever attempt at writing fanfiction, reviews/opinions would be greatly appreciated ❤️ I don't own any of the characters.

Amy rushed back to the table from the restroom of the Cheesecake Factory. She was having a great evening as she was on an un-scheduled date with Sheldon. As she got closer to the table she could see the big grin on his face. She sat down on the chair and asked "Are you glad I'm back?" with a smirk on her face. Sheldon sat in silence for a minute looking at his beautiful girlfriend and replied simply with "Vixen." This made her grin even more and she reached across the table and held his hand. She knew this was hard for him because he doesn't like public displays of affection but he was willing to let it slide if it meant that he got to feel the smooth skin of his girlfriends hand.
After a few minutes of gazing into each other's eyes their food arrived and they began to eat. Penny came over to them after both of their plates were empty and took them to the kitchen. She came back and took their desert orders and began to chat to them. Penny asked the couple if they had seen the blizzard outside. "What blizzard?" Sheldon asked beginning to sound rather worried. "There's been a huge blizzard going out for the past hour and a half, I'm surprised Amy didn't see when she went to the restroom" Penny replied. Sheldon and Amy went to the front of the restaurant so they were able to see the blizzard that Penny was telling them about. As they looked out of the window at the huge snowstorm that had hit Pasadena Amy looked up at her boyfriend. She could see that he was getting more anxious the more he looked. She decided that it would be best to get him away from the window again. "Sheldon, let's go back to our table. Our desert will be there now and it looks like we won't be leaving any time soon anyway" she said, worried about how he would respond. He took one more glance out of the window and then began the slow walk back to their table. As they both sat down again Amy could tell that Sheldon was very worried. She reached across the table for his hand again and smiled at him. He didn't respond by grabbing her hand back, he just looked at his nearly empty plate and started to push the remainder of his desert around it with his free hand. "Sheldon look, I know you're worried about the blizzard but there's nothing you can do to change it now so we are just going to have to wait here until it stops so I can drive you home" she said slightly angry that he was being miserable on date night. "If it wasn't for you then we wouldn't be here anyway, you're the one who decided to have an un-scheduled date tonight not me!" He shouted back. As soon as he said it he regretted it, he looked up at his girlfriend and could see tears forming in her eyes. She stood up and ran off, he could only presume she was going to the restroom. He looked around the room for Penny and waved her over.
"Hey Sheldon, where'd Amy go?" She asked puzzled.
"She's in the restroom, I need you to go in there and apologise for me" he replied as though it was a matter of urgency.
"What did you do?!" Penny asked angrily
"You don't need to know the details of my relationship with Amy, as I am male I cannot go in the female restroom so can you please go in there and tell Amy I'm sorry and ask her to come back to the table" Sheldon replied. As he said this Penny sighed as she knew he was right so she marched off to the restroom to recover Sheldon's girlfriend.
She walked in and knocked on the only cubicle door that was locked and whispered "Ames, are you okay?"
She could hear sniffling so she knew that Amy had been crying which made her question pointless but she still felt that she should ask anyway.
"It's just Sheldon being Sheldon" Amy replied sniffling again. She knew that Penny was the only one in the restroom so she unlocked the cubicle door and walked out. She saw a look of worry spread across Penny's face so she strode forwards and have her a huge hug. "I'll be fine Penny, don't worry about me" Amy mumbled as her face was being squashed by Penny's shoulder.
"You sure Ames? Don't need me to kick Sheldon's butt?" She joked
"I'm sure, I'm going to go and talk to him and hopefully he'll understand" she replied.
With that, both of the girls walked out of the restroom. Penny headed towards the kitchen and Amy headed back to the table where she could see Sheldon looking grumpy. Amy wasn't looking forward to sitting back down with her boyfriend after the little comment he made earlier.
She sat back down opposite him and his face lit up with a smile. She didn't know why he looked so happy to see her and she was still mad at him for making the rude remark about date night. Knowing that she couldn't leave because of the blizzard she decided that she had no choice but to talk to him. "I know you don't want to be here with me so as soon as we can leave I'll drop you off at home and you can go back to your schedule. I'm sorry to have been an inconvenience" Amy said softly to Sheldon.
He looked at his girlfriend for a few seconds forming the right thing to say in his brain before actually saying it out loud. He caught her eye, held her hand and took a deep breath. "Amy look, I am very sorry for the remark I made earlier about our date night tonight, I think that it's a lovely idea that we spend more time together. I hope that you'll forgive me because I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to sit across this table with you mad at me.You're the most beautiful woman in the universe and I'm so happy that you chose me to be with out of everyone you could have chosen. I know that I'm difficult to be with and that I don't give you everything you want in this relationship but I honestly am trying and I wouldn't have even considered being in a romantic relationship before I met you. I love you Amy Farrah Fowler" he said gazing into her eyes, meaning every word he said. He then picked her soft hand up to his face and pressed his warm lips against her knuckles.
She couldn't believe what he just heard. Her boyfriend Sheldon Cooper had just said the most romantic thing she has ever heard in her life. He told her that he loved her and she was in complete shock. She took a breath, looked at him awaiting her response and said "I love you too Sheldon" and she meant it too. He had a huge grin on his face and she could tell that he was glad she'd forgiven him.
"Although I am still upset about the comment you made" she added.
Drat, he thought. "Amy I truly am sorry, I wasn't in a very good mood because of the blizzard and I took my frustration out on you. I really am sorry, I hope you can forgive me" he responded.
She felt a pool of warmth spread throughout her body. Sheldon was finally learning to take responsibility for his actions. "Yes Sheldon, I forgive you. As for the blizzard I think that it's finally stopped so it looks like I can drop you off at your apartment now" she replied.
Sheldon left the money for the meal which shocked Amy, normally they would split it 50/50 even on date nights.As they walked hand in hand out of the Cheesecake Factory and to Amy's car. Amy was pleased to get in the warm car as she only had tights and a skirt to cover her legs so her legs were very cold in the snowy air of Pasadena. Sheldon got in the car a few seconds after Amy and smiled at her. She started the engine and began the journey back to Sheldon's apartment.
On the drive they were talking about the snow.
"Do you like the snow amy?" Sheldon questioned
"Oh I never really got to experience it, I didn't have any friends as a child so I had no one to have snowball fights with. Plus my mother wouldn't let me play by myself" she responded.
"Oh no, that sounds awful. I always loved having snowball fights with Missy and George Jr after I'd finished my homework of course" he said
"I wish that I got to have the experience but I didn't. I still think it looks really pretty though" Amy said.
They were nearly at Sheldon's apartment now and he had an idea forming in his head.
As Amy pulled into the car park of Sheldon and Leonard's apartment building she could tell that Sheldon was thinking of something. She turned the engine off and was about to get out of the car when Sheldon suddenly shouted "Amy wait!"
She was confused but did as he said.
"Sheldon, what's going on?" she asked puzzled. Normally Sheldon would be in a hurry to get back to his apartment but this time he was telling her to wait and she didn't understand why.
"Please trust me, stay in the car for five minutes and I'll be right back" he said as he put his hand on her shoulder gently before turning around and getting out of the car. He had to be gentle on the way into the apartment due to the icy pavement. Amy watched him disappear into the apartment block and awaited his return. She sat nervously in her car wondering what on earth he could be doing. She had to leave the engine on as the temperature outside was getting very cold so she had the heater on in the car.
Around 5 or 6 minutes after Sheldon disappeared she saw him coming out of the apartment building and was completely confused. He was wearing his winter jacket, hat and gloves and had more in one of his arms while he opened the door with the other arm. He walked over to Amy's car, opened the door to her side of the car and said "here" as he held his arm out. She stood up, looking very confused and asked "Sheldon, what's going on? What are you doing?" At this point she had no idea what he was doing. All Sheldon said was "put these on, I hope they fit you, I'm sorry if they don't they're my old ones so they might be too big" as he handed her a winter jacket and a matching Batman hat and glove set. She smiled as she realised that he has the same set but of The Flash instead of Batman.
Amy locked the car and zipped up the jacket then put the hat and gloves on. She was now very warm but still couldn't figure out what they were doing. This was an unexpected end to date night, normally she would walk him to his apartment and he would say goodbye. This was certainly puzzling her.
They stood there in the cool air for a few minutes, Sheldon gazing at his girlfriend whilst Amy was just thinking of what thy could be doing.
Suddenly Sheldon ran off and hid behind a different parked car but Amy couldn't tell which one. Seen as she didn't know what they were doing she started to walk in the direction that Sheldon ran. She was calling his name but he didn't reply. This was getting ridiculous, firstly he leaves her in the car by herself, then he makes her put all of this winter gear on without explanation and now he's ran off and stranded her. She wasn't very happy and began to turn around to go back to her car when all of a sudden. SPLAT!
A small ball of snow hit her on the hip. She turned around to see where it came from and saw her tall, thin boyfriend grinning in the distance. This explained everything. She picked up a ball of snow in her hands and started running towards Sheldon. He knew that she was going to throw a snowball at him but the whole point of his idea was for Amy to have fun in an activity she didn't have the chance to participate in as a child.
"Sheldon Cooper, you get here so I can hit you with the snow" she shouted towards him. He didn't run away, he stood still until Amy was near enough to hit him with a snowball. Splat. The snowball she threw hit him on the left shoulder. He chuckled as she jumped in the air at her victory. He took the opportunity of her distraction and threw another snowball at her. Splat. It hit her on the bottom. She turned around and had a mischievous look on her face.
"Dr Cooper, that was a very inappropriate place to hit your girlfriend with a snowball" she joked as she winked at him.
He laughed at her joke and decided to throw another snowball at the same time. Splat. This time it hit her on the knee and she laughed.
"That's it mister" she shouted and began chasing him around the car park. Amy was having a great time Throwing random snowballs at Sheldon, whilst running around, occasionally getting hit by the ones he was throwing at her. They didn't realise how quick the time had gone and they had been having a snowball fight for over an hour now. Sheldon walked over to Amy, and started speaking. "I hope that you've enjoyed the experience of having a snowball fight, I've loved sharing this with you" he whispered as though he didn't want anyone else hear him.
She put one arm around his waist and said "Thank you very much for sharing this with me. I couldn't have wished for anyone better to snowball fight with. Although I still don't think it was fair that you hit me on the bottom with a snowball" she joked.
He looked at her mischievously and grinned. She looked back up at him with even more mischief in her eyes. He was so distracted by her gorgeous green eyes that he didn't notice her put her hands on his chest. As soon as he realised where her hands were he was in a pile of snow on the ground. Amy had pushed him over and stood looking down at him and laughed.
"Is this your revenge Dr Fowler?" He questioned not bothering to move
"It is indeed Dr Cooper" she replied
"I hardly find this fair, I only hit you on the bottom with a snowball where as I am going to be covered in dirty water when the snow on my jacket melts.
She kneels next to him and puts her hand on his chest."I'm sorry Sheldon" she says, almost whispering. They gaze into each other's eyes, both knowing this is getting very intimate. Amy's face slowly moves closer to Sheldon's and she places a gentle kiss on his lips. The feeling of her lips against his is incredible and Amy sees fireworks. Although the kiss was short they both pull away grinning with pleasure. Amy couldn't believe that she had actually just kissed a man.The first Man she has ever kissed. She had kissed her boyfriend Sheldon Cooper. The same Sheldon Cooper that wouldn't even hold her hand without them both using hand sanitiser. "Thank you Sheldon"Amy says quietly
"Thank you for what?" He asks quizzically, still mesmerised by the feeling of her lips on his. He'll have to remember to thank his eidetic memory for being able to replay that kiss over and over again in his mind.
"For sharing that with me. For being the best boyfriend in the world. For being yourself. For letting me into your life. And most importantly, for letting me love you" she says in a more serious tone. She was being serious, she was incredibly grateful for how far they have come as a couple and she didn't want him to think she hadn't noticed how hard he was trying in this relationship.
"Of course I love you. You're smart, you're funny, you're beautiful and you put up with me and all of my quirks" he responds.
Amy just smiles at him and he smiles back at her.
"I love you so much Sheldon"She says looking into his eyes.
"Not a much as I love you Dr Fowler" he replies, placing another sweet kiss on her lips. They both smile at each other again and head back to the apartment to warm up and have a hot chocolate. They walk to the apartment and up the four flights of stairs hand in hand, not to be separated after spending such a wonderful evening together.

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