Joe imagine: Tea Room

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((AN: This is for you non British readers! A tea room is a small cafe where you can go an dink tea have a range of cake. Ok,now that's cleared up,ON WITH THE SHOW!))

You sighed,arraigning a flower ontop of the counter,waiting for opening. You worked in a small Tea Room called "Pretty in Pink" and as the name suggest,the shop is mostly pink. Due to this not many men came in which you wondered why. Pink was originally the colour given to baby boys when born i show passion and strength and blue to girls to show elegance,so in fact pink is one if the most "mainly" color. Your uniform was quite strange as well. As tea rooms were invented back when maids were around,the owner wanted all waitress and workers for that matter that were female to wear maid outifts. Kind of embarssing to come out of the house in the noting wearing and walk down the street in but work is work rigt and you didn't want to throw a chance of easy money away. All you had to do is watch the counte and take orders from people. No baking or making of tea at all . Pretty simple. You glanced down at your watch. Opening in 3...2...1...Just then,the bell on top of the door rang,signalling the arrival of a customer. You rushed from out behind the counter to serve and sit them down somewhere. As you came out from the corner your eyes widen slighty. A man with a brown curly Afro stood,admiring a rose with a smile in his face. It wasn't a smile that reached his ears,more of a relaxed half smile. He wore a black band shirt with jeans and boots. You blink a few times at his beauty before stepping forward further,coughing to draw his attention from the pink rose. His head snaps up in surprise to look at you. He took a moment to take in your...peculiar uniform before smirking an meeting your eyes. "Hello sir,my name is Y/N and I will be your waitress for today. Welcome to pretty in pink. Allow me to show you to your seat" You say the introduction you had practiced many times before. "The names Joe" he says calmly and you nod as a response. You seat him near the counter as it would be the easier to take the cake and tea to. You wait for a whole as his hazel eyes study the menu,a cute face of concentration viable on his features. Another half smile appears on his face. He found his order. "So,may I have the Pineapple upside down cake please" He asks while you jot down his order down. "Good choice. Anything else Joe?" You ask to which he smirks. "Oh and your number" Your face goes slightly red and you scurry off and busy yourself behind the counters you wait for the order,trying not to look at him. Yet for some reason you find yourself counting his curly locks. The serve bells knocks your concentration and  you lose count. Quickly you jot down something on a napkin and put it in the plate along with the cake. "Here's your order" You say as you set the plate down. Joe reads the napkin with your name and number on and smiles. "I will call you later" You nod and head back to the counter. About 10 minutes later you find yourself waving goodbye to Joe as he blows you a kiss back.

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