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So I'm at the ball room it was all amazing my dad told me to sing a song and so I did I was preparing the whole month and also with my dances .Here it go's I start singing quinceanera by Thalia cause that song was traditional to dance but to sing I was going for a unique quinceanera so when I finished my song everyone was clapping and cheering I was smiling getting excited then my parent put my high heels ,crown,and gave me my doll well also my three sisters Mariana ,Lupita ,Sofia they are younger then me . The greatest thing is that my chambelan is my boyfriend but my parents don't know that it's been a secret for about two secrets .Right now it's time for my dad he sang this song that was good but he wasn't I'm so mean. Anyways it was time for the surprise dance I did three songs Where are you now ? , What Do You Mean ? and Same old love the first two songs i used the same dance moves as Justin use at the VMA's the way he combined the song then the finally Selena Gomez Same Old Love those are my favorite songs so far ,everything turned out great I'm amazed now I went for a drink I was thirst as I was getting a drink I say something that ruined my day my own day the day that I was suppose to be happy but no he was kissing my supposed to be friend Ashley we used to be best friends since we were little kids she is also my neighbor i can't believe it we were such good friends but no I know that Ray had nothing to do with it ,it had to be Ashley so I went up to her pulled her hair also pulling her extensions she is so fake I said "WTF do you think you are doing with my boyfriend" she just screamed and yelled but no this b*tch is getting it I don't care that I'm supposed to be enjoying this day but I can't bare it we were best friends years ago idk what happened with ur friendship ? I let her go she left Ray my boyfriend said " Beatiful you know I would never do that to you she pushed me into a kiss I was trying to push her "I don't know what to do to forgive him or to end 2 years of a relationship because he also asked me on my birthday so toady it will be 2 years "I forgive you please don't let it happen again you know ever thing I've gone through " the rest of my day was great but Ashley Ruined my day the supposed to be amazing day !
Hey hope you guys like it ik that the first chapter suck so please forgive don't worry cause the test is filled with drama, romance ,mysterious

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