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Annoyed is one word to describe what Louis was right now. Why, you might ask, or not. You may not care but you're about to be told anyway. Well, for starters, Harry wouldn't stop following him around the house. Also, the hybrid wouldn't stop jumping around from all the sugar he consumed. Another? Well he kept eating all of the food in his fridge.

Right now, Louis sat on the couch with a cup of tea in his hands, Harry on the recliner, bouncing up and now, trying to stay still because the other had ordered him to do so. He kept squirming and glancing at Louis with big curious eyes and yes, he did feel it. The stare was practically burning a hole into the side of his face.

The TV show that was on was one of his favorites. Supernatural. He couldn't seem to enjoy the show though with eyes watching every move he made, from sipping on his cuppa, to shifting to a more comfortable position on the sofa.

When he placed the tea on the glass table in front of him, he then leaned back against the couch to relax, grabbing a soft red blanket that was folded on it, then throwing it over himself. An nonhuman noise left the back of his throat when Harry suddenly pounced onto the couch and laid himself there, his head on Louis' lap, his big green eyes looking up at him.

Instead of pushing him off, because what was the point if he was ether gonna get back up or cry about it, and instead ran his hand through his fluffy brown hair, his eyebrows furrowed. "What're you doing, Harry?" Louis shifted a bit when Harry turned and dug his face into his stomach.

"You're not giving me attention." The hybrid whined, pulling the cover off of Louis and instead, throwing it over himself making the man glare at Harry and cross his arms. "Cuddle me?"

A scoff came from Louis and he tried to shift away from the boy but he couldn't since he was already at the end of the couch, and Harry was basically holding him down. "No, Harry. I don't cuddle." You know what he said about hating to be alone? Yeah, he doesn't hate that so much right now.

Harry just smiled and sat up, this time moving Louis' arm up and around his shoulders, cuddling into his side. "Everyone cuddles. It helps with stress." He dug his face against the older ones chest, his curls tickling the side of his face.

"Why must you be so difficult? Why did I even let you in?" He made sure to say the last part as quiet as possible so Harry didn't hear. He really didn't want to see him crying again. That led to ice cream and the ice cream led him to jumping around the house and almost breaking everything he owned.

A shrug came from Harry and he just closed his eyes, slowly drifting off from tiredness now. He must be tired from jumping around for about two-three hours straight. Louis felt weird cuddling with someone, especially a hybrid (yeah he still had a problem with them) but then again, Harry was warm so it felt nice.

Soon, Louis heard snores come from the other and he groaned lowly when he tried to move and Harry just wrapped his arms tighter around him. I am not your damn pillow, he thought angrily but as soon as he went to move again, he looked back down at the sleeping figure and stayed still. He couldn't just wake him. He looked so at peace and you could see bags under his eyes from not sleeping well before.

So he sucked it up and leaned back against the couch, sinking into the white leather, and just watching the TV. Occasionally when Harry moved, Louis would glance down at him for a split second and then shift his attention back up at the TV screen that hung against the wall.

When he started to grow tired, he switched the screen off and gently moved the others arms off him, causing Harry to make a noise in protest. Louis rolled his blue hues before removing the cover from the curly haired boy, and lifting him into his arms.

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