Chapter 02: Getting Started (Revised)

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Staring at the red oak door, Snow felt regret for leaving practically the same way her father once did, sudden and without notice or a proper farewell. The door had remained quite strong and durable over the many years. It reminded her of her grandparents, strong, with very few cracks, and no visible warping. Behind it though, contained the past filled with memories of happier days. She kept feeling as though all vivid memory would be lost once she walked away from it. She guess that over time, all memories that she'd have etched in her head would fade and the details, including the ones of this very door, would all too be forgotten.

With a heavy sigh, Snow attempted to lift the weight of her future that was currently exerting itself heavily upon her shoulders, urging her to just let it go. Snow always hated good-byes. It only became noticeable, the gravity of the situation as soon as she caught sight of her white knuckles, gripping the door knob. She was scared, an emotion so foreign to her she could not recall the last time ever she experienced that emotion. She was loved. It was as simple as that.

Was leaving like this making her into a coward? Or was it the courage to let go making her brave? She was not sure if she truly wanted to know the answer to that right now. Shaking a way those thoughts, all she did know was that all that thinking was starting to bring on one serious headache.

Swiftly Snow let her hand drop from the doorknob. She could do this, she told herself. She closed her eyes and turned around, leaving the sight of the door behind her, and permanently etching it in her mind one last time for clarity. She took in a deep breath and exerted all her anxiety outward with the following exhale. Placing a bag strap over her head, she let the weight of the bag rest on her right shoulder. With one deep breath she left the stoop and took down the steps out into the flow of steadily commuters.

The market place here was starting to get busy. Around ten in the morning, it would be at the height of the rush. She had about an hour before get further into the market place if she hoped to catch a ride out of town. The tavern was located just on the skirts of the main market street marring row after row of houses with various brightly colored flower window trimming and big flowery leaf bushes along the way.

It was a bit of a walk to get there. Her plan was simple. She would try to hitch a ride among one of the many tourist leaving the city. She had until 2:00 to find someone who would give her a lift. After that, you would not find too many people of good character or with good intensions since mostly the pubs, gaming houses, and brothels were then open to the public. If she failed to get a ride, she would be racing the clock in order to reach the northern boarder. Finding a ride was an essential task to accomplish in order to give her a bit of reprieve in her otherwise panic rush to the border.

"Hey Snow! SNOW!" She heard someone shout out from somewhere behind her. At first, her heart jutted out with panic, not knowing if she had already been discovered, she looked out among the sea of people, looking diligently for the source of the caller. It occurred to Snow that the size of people was unusually heavier. Was there some event taking place? A parade or celebration or some sort? She couldn't recall any posting or announcements of late regarding one.

As such with the increase of mobile bodies weaving in and out of her, she was finding it more difficult to determine the direction from where the caller had originated.

"Oh, God," the words slipped past her lips in a scream, she swore she had a mini heart attache when two hands came out and snagged her against their much larger frame. She immediate turned to see a familiar face staring at her. To her relief it was Mark, her childhood friend. He stood there a mischievous and even a tad bit guiltier expression on his face.

Snow shook her head and looked down, trying to catch her next breath and every heartbeat that managed to escape there after. Feeling the tug at the sides of her mouth, Snow couldn't help but smile at the stupidity of it all. She was so unsettled and so out of her comfort zone right now.

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