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Calandra had gone to the stables to meet them before they left for Jotunheim. As she stood there awaiting their arrival she began to groom one of the horses that they would use. She smiled at the horse, "You know, if you could actually hear me, I'd ask you to take them in the opposite direction of the Bifrost because what they're about to do is nearly suicide" she said as she brushed its mane. Suddenly she heard a slight commotion coming from where she assumed her friends would exit the palace from. Calandra rubbed her hand lightly down the horse's mane one last time before stepping away and smiling towards her friends who approached her. "Please, do be careful" she said to them, "I don't want to have to heal any fatal wounds now." Thor chuckled as he hopped onto his horse. Fandral walked closer to her, "Now when have I ever been not careful?" he asked with a smirk.

Calandra slightly rolled her eyes and smiled. "Well, considering how many times I've had to heal you, which for a matter of fact is many times, you seem to not be as careful as you think" she said while crossing her arms. Fandral became serious but still held a smile, "I can assure you that this time I will try my very best to be careful." Calandra shook her head while looking down slightly and muttered, "Or you could just not go at all." He then placed his hand underneath her chin and lifted her head up slightly to look at him. "You know that I have to. I cannot simply let Hogun and Volstagg go on without me, for the Warriors Three always stick together when it comes to these types of things" Fandral said with a serious and sympathetic look, "But I shall return to you, Lady Calandra." A blush slightly rose to her cheeks as she smiled. He then smiled back and pulled his hand away. "You have better keep your word, Fandral" she said as he hopped onto his horse which ended up being the one she was grooming just before.

"I shall keep my word," Fandral said with a genuine smile and Calandra nodded. She then made her way over to where Thor and Loki were with their horses. "Like I said before, please be careful. You should know I say this in all seriousness. I want you all back in one piece" she said to her brothers. "There's no need to worry, sister," Loki said, "I'll look after Thor so that he won't cause any of use to come back in two pieces." Loki then received a playful punch on the shoulder from Thor. "Brother, you know I have no intention on doing that!" Thor said in his usual boisterous voice. Calandra shook her head and laughed. "Well, I don't want to keep you guys waiting just because I am worried. You best be off before I decide to stand in front of your horses to prevent you from going" she said in a serious yet playful tone. Thor nodded then said, "Stay safe, my sister. Make sure that finds out about this until we return." To that Calandra nodded even though she did not want to take on that responsibility. Soon after, Thor led the 6 of them out and towards the Bifrost after they all said their goodbyes to Calandra.

After they were out of view, Calandra quickly made her way inside. She walked down the halls as if she knew nothing of their whereabouts. She made her way into her quarters, closing the door behind her and made her way over to her dresser. She opened a drawer and pulled a less formal dress than the one she wore. The one she held in her hands was a light shade of purple and was made of a different material than the one she wore. She made her way into her washroom and changed into the new dress. She then slipped on a matching pair of flats and picked up the current book she was reading while making her way out of the room.

Calandra walked down the long hallway, with full intentions of going into Frigga's garden to read in peace. Once there, she sat down on her usual bench and leaned back. She looked around at her surroundings with a content smile before actually opening her book and beginning to read.

A few hours later the sky darkened and Calandra left the garden heading back to her quarters. She set her book down on the small table next to her bed and went out onto the balcony. In the distance she could see the glowing rainbow bridge of the Bifrost. She could see some figures rushing down it and just before she realized who it was she received a knock on her door. Calandra spun around quickly and rushed to her door. Opening it she came face to face with a guard. "Your majesty's service is required at the healing room," the guard said before turning around and walking off. Calandra went into a sprint down the hallways towards the healing room. She did not want to be a moment late for when they arrive.

Once there she saw that other healers had their equipment ready. Calandra rolled up the sleeves of her dress just as Hogun, Volstagg and Sif rushed in while carrying a wounded Fandral. Calandra let out a sigh and directed them to where they should place him after removing his fur coat and armor. The three stepped back so that Calandra could have some space. She open up his shirt and sighed. "Didn't I tell you to be careful?" she asked him in a serious tone to which he responded with painful smirk. "You know the routine, especially with this size of wound. I can only heal you as much as I will allow my energy to take which means slowing the bleeding and healing you of infections" Calandra said then placed her hand over the wound, closing her eyes in concentration. The other three were being checked up by the other healers in the room.

Calandra removed her hand from the wound which has now stopped bleeding. For a moment, she let herself breathe before standing up and getting something she can wrap the wound up with. She returned to Fandral sitting up with a serious look on his face. "You are upset" he pointed out to her. Calandra sighed, "You said you would be careful and then you come back with a wound that could have been fatal." As she said that she began to wrap up his wound. "I am sorry that I was not more careful, but on the bright side, I did return to you alive" he pointed out to her. She smiled and looked up at him after wrapping the wound. "I must agree, it's better to see you alive and with this wound then not alive at all" she said, "Now, go get some rest so that the wound will heal." Fandral stood up from where he was situated and took her hands in his. "Thank you, Lady Calandra. I don't know what I would do without you" he said while looking into her eyes. She responded with small smile and a blush.

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