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I lay on the floor staring at the nothingness above me, the sunlight shone warmly on my face as a smile ran over my lips, Sam leant against the door frame and stared at me, lost in thought I looked up and met his gaze. 

His Brown eyes and dark hair lit up in the sunlight, I smiled at the way he looked at me, he tilted his head to the side and smiled, his gorgeous smile.

he walked over and wrapped his arms firmly around my waist and places his lips over my neck, his warm breath gave me Goosebumps, I tilted my head right giving him access, my hair fell to the left lightly, He pushed me up against the wall and ran his hands down my waist, his lips sent me into a frenzy, I gasped for air every change I got, I could barley breath.

"Alexis?" my dad asked softly reframing my train of thought, "Are you alright?" I tried to clear my head enough to answer "yeah, Just tired" I managed to mumble. 

I sat in the back seat while Liam and his curvy blonde girlfriend held each other giggly, it was rather cute yet disgusting seeing my brother being so open about his relationship in the car. I suppose he never was the shy sort, my dad ignored them completely as he was in his own world singing along with the radio, I rolled my eyes and continued eating my sandwich. 

We were on our way to our family cabin down in Georgia, that over looked the lake. It was a large area that wasn’t as closed in as you’d imagine and it’s not as pretty as you’d think but it’s were we spent a lot of weekends before our mother took off, I think this is dad’s way of trying to restore things to as normal as possible but It’s just not the same without her here.

The whole trip there consisted of Blondie and her boy toy swapping saliva, awkward silence and bad music. I ran out of food to eat and I was getting bored, I picked up my phone in hopes that my own boyfriend might have messaged me, nothing.  I let it fall to the seat irritated.

The blonde girl looked up “What’s wrong babes?”  I shot a glare at her that made her forget about the question entirely.  I couldn’t stand to have this girl around, every time she opened her mouth I wanted to throw something at her, something heavy, like her ego.  

Liam Is the eldest of my brothers, my mother took off with the younger two in the middle of the night, I think I’m taking most of my anger out on him though, I wish my mum had taken me with her or at least taken Liam so I didn’t have to put up with him, I loved my little brothers, I looked after them after school while mum was more than likely high at some strangers house.

I loathed my mother for what she has put us all through but It wasn’t always like this, despite my anger I love her a lot, what I wouldn’t give to hold her in my arms or have gotten the chance to say goodbye to my brothers, together dad and I tracked mum’s credit card, she’s somewhere in Australia, She bought tickets for two adults and two children, straight out of dad’s account, he let her take the money then cut her off from his account, along with any memory of his ex-wife.

We moved house and school in attempt at a fresh start, my brother didn’t take long to forget his last girlfriend, I suppose he takes after his mother emotionally, the area we were driving through looked fairly new, large sand blocks with smashed glass glimmering as the sun hit them, My phone started vibrating, it was Sam, I answered the call with a little too much excitement “hey Sam, how are you?” I asked almost too cheerfully, He was hesitant, he didn’t return my tone “Err” I was starting to get worried “what’s wrong?” This wasn’t like him; he was bold and solid just like his personality.

“Look Lexie…-” he trailed off, my heart stopped and the smile wiped itself off my face “I think we should take a break..” A tear rolled down my cheek, I wiped it away without hesitation, “Lex-” I cut him off “Why?” this seemed to draw attention to me from everyone in the car.

Sam sighed deeply then someone in a distant female voice called out to him “Sam, come back inside It’s your turn-” I couldn’t bear another word, I hung up and threw my phone at the floor in front of the passenger seat where all our bags were piled up high.

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