Under moonlight : The troubles of a teenage werewolf(1)

Start from the beginning

That's when I started to remember the turn of events that led me to this wonderful encounter. Wasn't I on my way to the girl's bathroom? OH MY LORD! Why was I staring up at a boy and why was there a row of urinals against the wall? He must think I'm a total nut job. Not only was I laying on the floor of the boys bathroom with my mouth hanging open but I was still covered in the gook which I was starting to realize was some kind of jello.

"I'm fine I ...I'm sorry I didn't mean to slam into you." I tried to explain, "I was on my way to the girls bathroom to clean up and I must have went into the boys by mistake," he was staring down at me with a slightly amused look on his face. Probably because of the bright shade of red I knew that I was turning, I could feel the blood boiling beneath my cheeks. The slight stutter probably didn't help matters either but surely he was used to this kind of response from the female population.

He smiled down at me and stretched his hand out to mine, gesturing for me to let him help me up off the ground. What happened next was beyond words. I'm not kidding; the moment our hands touched I swear there were sparks - wait scratch that - there were fireworks going off. Well in my eyes anyway.

"Hi, I'm Jessica," I said in a cool laid back voice trying to regain some dignity from my earlier jaw dropping I had done. "You don't look familiar; do you go here to West Middleton?" I asked with curious eyes.

"No actually it's my first day here, I'm Christian by the way." He flashed a fierce smile at me revealing a perfect set of white teeth.

Of course he was new, he was talking to me. My face started to loose some of it's glow when I began to realize that it was only a matter of time before he found out that I was considered the black plague around here.

He seemed to have noticed my change in face because he had the same concerned look he had before.

"Hey are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine just a little light headed, I'll be alright."

"Maybe I should take you to the school nurse?" he suggested.

"NO!" I shouted a little too loudly. That was another rule, no nurses, no Doctor's. Are bodies weren't as standard as normal humans, the quickness in heart beat and increased temperature always grew suspicion.

He looked a little taken back by my slight outburst.

"I just don't want to make a fuss that's all." I explained.

He seemed to buy this because the smile I was starting to love so much spread slowly across his face. Still his eyes held some uncertainty. Great, I was really doing a good job of appearing to be normal.

"What happened to you anyways?" he asked obviously referring to the red jello that was covering me.

"Oh this," I made a wavering motion around me. Oh, what to say without looking like an idiot I thought frantically. "I was just messing around with some friends." I lied.

"Some friends," he muttered. He had this look in his eye like he wasn't completely buying my story.

"Well since your new here, I could show you to your next class," I pressed. Hopefully I could get my hands on him before he was lost to my world for ever. Not that I should even be considering we could be more than just friends. My father had strict rules about that kind of thing. With our sudden mood swings he says that it is never really safe. I automatically rebuffed any thoughts I had before. Friend ship was all it could be and nothing more.

"Sure if you don't mind." He says.

"No of course not, I mean it is the least I could do," oh my gosh, oh my gosh.

"Well I better go get cleaned up next store in the girl's restroom. I'll meet you in the hall in about five minutes alright." I was ecstatic. Maybe my luck was turning after all. I mean sure I was covered in jello and all the kids had laughed at me, but I never would have ran into Christian. How's that saying go? 'Everything happens for a reason,' yes that's it and so it was.

"Yeah," he laughed, "That would probably be a good idea."

"Okay great." I said turning to leave. I hated taking my eyes off of him so soon. Just as I was walking out, Jason Tanner one of the most popular boys at school walked in.

"Gees, you really are a freak aren't you." He accused, saying it more like a statement then a question. I looked at Christian who had a confused look on his face.

"What are you even doing in the boy's bathroom?" he continued, "Oh, and I see you liked the dessert I gave you earlier." he laughed. "I mean it was so easy and you should have scene your face. A classic, the whole school was laughing" he let out a big roar of laughter. "Can't wait to tell people this." he continued proudly.

I thought I was going to die. Why in front of Christian? Couldn't just one person look at me normally. At home It was the constant reminder of what I was and why I couldn't do things like normal kids and here I was just an outcast. I started to feel the rage ripple through me tingling at my skin and the hairs on my arms were standing straight up. I was furious. How dare this boy laugh at me. What had I ever done to the kids at this school anyways?

A light growl escaped my lips and I immediately clamped my hand over my mouth. Both boys had a startled look on their face and took a step back. It was only a matter of seconds before my anger really started to boil over and I knew one thing. I had to get out of here. I gave one agonized look at Christian then bolted for the door. I ran through the halls ignoring the constant stream of muffled whispers and didn't stop till I got home.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2009 ⏰

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