chapter 4

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Mother and father come in from their walk from the cemetery,I run downstairs to mother and father. Mother "hello,darling". Hello,mother". I said. Father hello,paloma". "Hello,father". Elizabeth comes running downstairs,she accidentally runs into me. Elizabeth "sorry." I glare at her. Mother "your sister just said she was sorry,what do you say back". I say "it's ok,stupid".

Father "go to your room,Cecilia"! "But father". I said "go to your room now"! said mother. I glare at my sister,then I go up to my room and slam the door. Mother and father look at each other they hate to see me so upset. Elizabeth smirks,father smiles,mother upset with me goes to their room,shuts the door, starts to sob.

Father and Elizabeth go to their rooms,Elizabeth,thinks about what just happened. Father talks to mother,tries to calm her down.

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