Headspace on twitcam (baby Calum) chapter:2

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Calum: headspace 1 year old
Luke: daddy


Ashton (POV)

Since the band didn't have any concerts today we decided to do a twitcam video today."Luke can you try to get Calum out of his headspace for me and Michael can you come here and help set up the twitcam please" I shouted through the small balcony window door."alright!" Michael shouts. They all rush in and jump onto the couch and start recording."hey guys this is 5sos and today we are going to talk about each other" Luke said.

5 minuets later we all noticed Calum was sort of slipping into his headspace but we didn't make it obvious because the fans don't know about the age play.

"Ok guys I think we might be back after a break alright so see ya guys later" Michael signed off. Then just as expected Calum slipped into his headspace, but then accidentally Michael turned on the twitcam forgetting that Calum slipped."but I want wawa ,daddy-!" Calum said then paused noticing the cam was on."uh oh, we're sorry guys but please don't judge but we've been doing age play with Calum because he's been getting stressed. Um so don't cry baby I'm sorry for all of this so yeah sorry" Michael said placing the sniffling Calum on the side of the couch and placed the bottle into his mouth."so yeah we should just Finnish this video when Calum falls asleep" Luke suggested."sure" I said picking up Calum and placed him on Luke's lap."guys we should start" I said noticing he fell asleep. "So guys next concert Calum will be in his headspace so everyone should quiet down a bit so I hope you guys enjoyed this vid see ya guys next time bye" I signed off.

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