"I didn't know until Mary told me," he admitted. "She said she'd held onto the secret about what our grandfather did for two decades and knew it was time for it to come out."

Jackson bit his lip, anxiously before addressing Hayley. "But I knew I had to be the one to tell you. Truth is, I didn't know if I could."

Hayley shook her head. "I don't blame you, Jack. I guess I just really hate secrets."

"That was my secret," Jackson looked at me. "Whatever yours is . . . if you don't want to tell me, then don't. It doesn't change a thing, we're still family."

"What a lovely sentiment."

Klaus had suddenly appeared behind Jackson, who scowls at the sight of him.

"I wonder however if I might impose on this lovely tableau long enough to have a word with Hayley and Nina."

I put my hand on my brother's arm. "It's okay. Go ahead, we'll meet you back at Mary's."

Jackson then walked away, leaving the three of us to talk.


Once Jackson was gone, Klaus started to yell at us.

"Have you lost your mind? Are you seriously considering this preposterous truth-telling idiocy?"

"Actually, I'm kinda on the fence," I told him.

"Well, then allow me to make it simple for both of you. Under no circumstances will you divulge any family secrets, especially none that would endanger our child!"

"Except it's not that simple, Klaus," I stressed. "You saw what Finn did, he's growing more powerful by the day."

Klaus sighed, knowing I was right.

"Right now, he controls over half the wolves," Hayley added. "This marriage could change that."

"The outcome of your strategy is not worth the risk it imposes on mine and Nina's daughter," Klaus replied.

"Well, it's not a risk if I trust Jackson," I said, making him sigh in annoyance. "Klaus, think! We could have a whole army of super-wolves who could protect Hope as one of their own."

"Hope doesn't need a wolf army!" Klaus yelled, irritated. "I'll protect her myself and an easier time I'll have of it too without either of you running off sharing secrets with every motley member of your werewolf brethren."

Now it was my turn to lose my temper. "Damnit, Klaus! This is our chance! We can bring her home, we have to at least consider this."

"I have considered it and I have deemed it absurd. In this matter, there is no one above my decree, not even you."

I gaped at him, hurt.

Klaus took a step towards Hayley. "You will tell Jackson the wedding is off."

"It's a good thing I don't take orders from anyone," Hayley glared at the Original. "Especially not from you."


Angered by Klaus' lack of listening, I decided to walk away.

"I'm done listening to you. Let me know when you want to have a real conversation."

Klaus chased after me and grabbed my arm. "Nina!"

I yanked my arm out of his grip and glared at him. "I'm not gonna stand here quietly while you tell me what I can and cannot do to protect my daughter!"

Fighting For Hope (The Hybrid and The Wolf - Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now