The Story as I see it.

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The story behind Majora's mask.

As we all have figured out, the masks you find in the Legend of Zelda, Majora's mask is the embodiment of someone. It represents their story and who they are as a person, and upon wearing the mask, you embody who they are. Those who have played know that there are many masks you can obtain, and they each bring forth a different aspect of the environment and the people around you. The entire reason for the adventure set forth is to obtain Majora's mask, but you know very little other than the fact that it's powerful and wanted by the Happy Mask Salesman. Even deeper research shows little about it. Well, allow me to shine some light on this mysterious object, and the story behind its existence.

Majora was rumored, a long time ago, to have been a dragon-like creature who guarded what we would consider to be Purgatory, but I can assure you, that was far from the truth. The mask was made from bones of a dragon, but that was only because it was the one material was around at the time.

He was a Hylian, much like Link or even Princess Zelda. He lived in a house in a forest, away from the edges but were far from the heart of it. He had the good grace of living a peaceful childhood, surrounded by blue flowers he referred to as "rupiah". He always collected these flowers for his mother, since she was generally bedridden with sickness. Majora was a strong young man, with bright red hair, which was unusual for Hylians, but since he only interacted with his family, and his dad, too, had red hair, he never knew. The lack of people around him allowed him to be raised ignorant of many things that happen. He knew of sickness, but not death, nor violence or the wrath of others. His dad was generally working their garden or chopping trees, always preparing for winter and summer, only taking time off during the fall.

His mother was an extremely capable. magically adept Hylian, especially where mitigating magic was concerned. When she could, she would utilize her magic to make flowers grow, or to relieve people of physical pains. This allowed them to maintain their living, since she could take hunger, muscle decay, and malnourishment from her family while also allowing crops to grow to their full size overnight. Unfortunately, the side effects to this included her poor health, and her eyes turning an unpleasant shade of red and yellow. Majora never allowed her poor health to change the way he treated her.

They were always spending time together, he would tell her of the things he found in the forest, and she would help him hone his own magical abilities, which seemed to be more around physical means, such as floating, which he discovered on his own when he first started training, telekinesis, when he was pulling vegetables before a heavy storm, and transmutation, when he first found this out when he gave his mother horns around her jawline.

Initially it worried her, for she recently found out she was pregnant with twins, but my maintaining a constant use of her magic, she protected them from any potential harm, unfortunately this worsened her health.

Nevertheless he didn't scolded Majora whenever he did something bad. She would laugh and say "You're still a child, and there's nothing wrong with having fun. Just remember, never use magic when you're upset. Not unless you think you're grown up enough to deal with what happens when you do." On many occasions she would fight through her illnesses and play tag with him, although he was always too young to realize how much strain that put on her.

When he turned 12, people that claimed to live outside the forest arrived at their house. Majora's dad was the one to greet them, his mom inside with him, painting her face and the horns it, since he wasn't proficient enough to remove them yet. The visitors were simply people who explored the woods, but got lost. They were under the impression that his family were victims of the forest that simply made due, but he explained that they intentionally moved into the woods in search of a castle. They never found it, but found they enjoyed the isolation, so they built a home and lived there ever since. They never knew the forest was notorious for people getting lost, nor did they know it was as large as it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2015 ⏰

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