Chapter 2

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Two days passed, and suddenly Daniel found himself back at Grayson Manor, within a few feet of the door. He had no idea what had made him come here to his former home, but he felt angry with himself when he saw the door slowly opening.

It's was a foggy day, and the mist was standing thick and gray around him. He could see someone stepping through the doorway of the manor, and wished he could just disappear before he was seen. The thought was a vivid one, but Daniel was still surprised when he felt himself melting into the gray shadows. He glanced down at his own body, but coldn't see himself -- no matter how hard he tried. It's was as if he'd somehow gained control of the fog, and had forced it to conceal him. Or, as if he were somehow able to actually make himself invisible! Either concept seemed equally impossible, but there was no denying the fact that he wasn't visible -- either to his own eyes, or to the person who was standing mere inches away from him.

Daniel remained still. He could hear the breathing of the other person very near to him. In fact, he could even tell that there was a nervous edge to the breathing of that person. Daniel forced himself to totally relax, and found it simple to keep holding his own breath. Then he concentrated and knew that it was Nolan Ross standing there beside him -- Nolan straining to listen to find out who was hiding in the night -- to try and find him! And more than that, Daniel now had a strong sense of Nolan's fear as it wafted over him. Daniel realized that he knew what Nolan knew: That someone was here -- must still be here -- hiding in the darkness and the fog. That no matter how hard he looked -- and tried to feel the space around him -- Nolan couldn't tell where the other person was located. Nolan didn't even have a true sense of someone being near to him!

And as Daniel continued to stand there, relaxed and focused, he could almost hear what Nolan was thinking. That couldn't be possible, could it?

Finally Nolan turned away and headed back inside the house, while Daniel remained where he was, standing totally still. Then he caught a thought: Nolan was going back inside to use technology -- his area of expertise -- to search for the intruder! Daniel was in trouble!

Considering his situation in a quick flash of thought, Daniel was determined to 'follow' Nolan inside -- using his mind.

Thinking back, Daniel remembered a couple of incidents that happened when he was young. One time as a boy he had been staring into the drops of rain on a window pane, light reflecting on the surface to make a tiny globe that had seemed to expand, drawing him inside. Daniel's nanny at the time had been Scottish, and had always called herself 'fey.' He had told Nanny -- as best he was able -- about his experience, and she had told him that he had the 'Sight.' The incident had terrified him. He'd seen his father standing in the rain on a busy street, nearly struck by a passing car. He'd cried out as the car approached, and watched his father jump aside, just in time -- as if somehow he had heard the childish voice of his young son giving him a warning from miles away!

Years later, Daniel had been curled on the hearth by a fire, watching the flames. A queer sensation had come over him, and once again he'd fallen into a vision. This time he'd seen his sister, Charlotte, being pursued by some ominous man. He'd gone a bit crazy, and tried to 'reach out' to stop the man from harming her! His sudden 'appearance' had shocked the would-be attacker into running away. The next thing Daniel knew, he'd awakened near the fire, with a splitting headache. Char had never even seen him. That time he'd kept his experience a secret from everyone. It was not something he'd wanted to share.

Later, when he'd been away at Harvard, Daniel had googled the word 'fey.' He'd already guessed that it meant he was 'able or likely to see visions.' But as he did additional research, he was interested to find that these experiences were something that happened frequently with certain people. He didn't really want to be fey, or to have the Sight. Frankly, the last thing he wanted was to have these crazy visions!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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