First Day at School

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I pull into my reserved car park at school since me and my friends are V.I.Ps. The principle loves us since our parents are rich. I wait in my car till I've spotted the girls. They're all sitting at a table talking. I get out of my car and grab my bag off the back seat. I forgot how heavy it was with all my books in it. I open my cheer bag and get some gear since instead of P.E the cheerleaders are allowed to do cheer. I lock my car and run over to the girls. I hug them all like I haven't seen them in forever. We all walk in a group to the office to get our timetables. Everyone makes way for us. We file into the office and find Mr Anderson waiting in the foyer for us. We walk up to him as he smiles.
"Hello girls. I've been looking forward to seeing you again," he says.
He hands is our golden envelopes with our timetables in them. The rest of the school gets white ones but since we're V.I.Ps we get gold ones. We say thank you all walk out of the office to find a table. We all sit down and open them. My time table is home room, maths, morning tea, arts, language, lunch, P.E (cheer) and library. I look around and see that I'm in the same classes as everyone. Apart from arts cause I'm with Leah, Emma and Sophie while everyone else is at library. We all scream and jump up and down. We start to walk to our private locker room. The rest of the school shares their lockers in the hallway but we have our own room. Just for us.
We walk in. I walk straight to my locker. My lockers covered with all my favourite TV shows like Teen Wolf, The Vampire Diaries, American Horror Story, Supernatural and all my other ones. My lockers right next to Sophie's who's is cover with cheerleading things. Mainly Smoed. As I reach my locker I notice a locker right next to mine that's bright pink with a pig in the middle. What the hell is that? I thought to myself. Everyone looks at it then at each other confused. We all turn to the door way to see a girl with blonde hair who is holding the same car keys as us. I look at her and smile and she smiles back.
"Hi my names Kate." She says laughing at probably how confused we are. "I'm in year 12 and I just transferred to this school."
Sophie looks at her then says
"Why are you in our locker room?" A little bit to harshly.
"Oh I thought Mr Anderson would have told you. I'm a V.I.P and my parents have just joined your parent company. We're also building a house down your street as well." She says smiling. We all scream and jump up and down. We talk to her and soon we start to like her.
"Well maybe you could join our little gang? If you want?" Sophie says.
"Omg yes," Kate says excitedly.
We all scream again. We tell her our names and how we do cheer together.
"Do you have any more space on the team?" She asks. "Because I did cheer at my old school and I would love to do cheer here!" Kate says.
"I'm sure coach would let you." Jazzy says." We'd just have to find one more person to do partner stunts with you."
"Okay! Well maybe someone will show up." She says hopefully.
We all walk over to the other corner of our room and sit on the couches. We here a knock at the door and a girl walks in.
"Hello!" She says.
"Hi?" We all say.
"My names Charlotte and I'm a VIP too. My parents just joined the company."
"Let me guess?" Leah says." Your going to build a house down our street?" She says laughing.
"Yep! How did you know?" She says confused.
"The same thing just happened with Kate." I say.
"Oh cool!" She says." So which lockers mine?"
I get up and walk over to the spare locker by Kate's. I put the code in and open it.
"The codes 1234. We all have the same code." I say.
"Thanks," she says.
"Do you want to be a base on a cheerleading team?" Emma asks hopefully.
"Yeah defiantly." Charlotte says smiling." I've always wanted to be in a cheer team but I'm too scared to fly so because a base will me great." She says with a smile.
"Okay after lunch meet us in the cheer gym and we'll add you two into the routine." Says Sophie.
"Okay!" Charlotte smiled.
"So what's your schedules?" I ask Kate and Charlotte.
Kate grabs her envelope out of her pocket and reads the exact same timetable I have.
"That's the same as mine!" Charlotte say.
"Okay, cool we better get to class," I say with a smile.
We all walk out of the locker room and to home room.
We enter the classroom and our teacher smiles.
"Hello my little VIPs," she says.
"Good Morning Mrs Hall," we all say smiling.
We take our reserved seats at the front and a couple of the boys check is out and whistle. As soon as the teacher starts talking I zone out.
After class we walk to our lockers to get our Maths books and a couple of boys slip me their numbers. I just smile and put them on the pile I have in my locker. We wander over to maths and as soon as the bell rings we walk in. I sit at my reserved seat and all the boys race to sit at the seats behind me and my friends. All we had to do was some easy work sheets then we could do whatever we wanted. We all work together and are done in 10 minutes. The bell goes and I walk to my locker. The girls all chat but I'm not really interested. I just saw Stiles. I like him so much. I can already feel myself blushing. I run ahead to the locker room to save myself embarrassment even though everyone says he likes me. I sit on the couch and wait for the others. Kate and Leah were the only hungry ones so they went to the canteen. Sophie comes and sits by me while the rest of the girls get their books and leave.
"What was that Hannah?" She says.
"I have no idea!" I say really embarrassed.
"You know he likes you right?" She smirks.
"No he doesn't." I say wanting to leave.
"He does so."
The bell rings and we get our books and walk to art class. She doesn't talk to me so I don't talk to her. I don't know what to say. We walk in and there's only two seats left. We sit in them and start drawing what the teacher tells us too. Arts goes really fast so Sophie, Kate, Leah, Charlotte and I walk to languages to meet the others. French is the language we all took and it's so boring. Well French isn't but our teacher Mrs Greene is. An hour had passed and then I heard a scream from the back. I turned around and this girl I don't know had thrown up on this girl Clarissa. She deserved it cause she's so mean. I start laughing and she shoots me a really deadly look. Mrs Greene let us all leave so she can sort the two of them out. I walk to the cafeteria with the girls and we take our usual seats at the table in the middle. The rest of the girls get there and ask why we were early. Kate explains and we leave our bags and go up to get food.
"Hi sweetie what can I get you?" The lady says.
"Um I'll have 2 iced coffees and a bowl of fries please." I say ordering for me and Kate. I carry the fries and Kate carries the drinks and we sit down at the table. The cafeteria is starting to get really full by the time the other are back. After everyone's finished eating we all walk to the bleacher. We have a rugby field and a football field with a track around them. We sit in the middle of the bleachers and start to gossip.
"Hannah you really need to talk to Stiles." Sophie said.
"He likes you." Jazzy assured me.
"What am I going to say?" I say.
"Um say hi then ask him what he's doing this weekend." Leah said.
"Okay. Fine!" I say cause I know they'll keep bugging me. I wander down the bleacher steps. I pull my skirt down a bit and push my singlet straps onto my shoulders cause they were falling down. As I reach the bottom of the bleachers and step onto the spongey track with my heels I start to get really nervous. I put my hair behind my ears and start walking over to him and his friends who are playing Football. He sees me and he runs towards me. It's really hot today and he doesn't have a shirt on. The sweat shines on his six pack. Oh my god he's so hot. His brown eyes meet mine and he puts his hand through his straight brown hair.
"Hey Hannah." He says smiling. My heart melts.
"Oh, um, hi." I say breaking the eye contact and look at the ground. He knows I like him and I don't know how he feels about it.
"I was meaning to talk to you at morning tea but then you ran away."
"Oh um I had to text someone," I lie.
"Oh cool." He says." Anyway I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party on Friday night?" He smiles.
"Oh sure," I say trying not to be awkward but I am. "I'll ask the girls if they want to come," I say looking over at them. They we all staring at me and when I looked at them they all quickly looked away.
"Okay. Sure see you then."
"Bye." I say. I walk over to the girls.
"How was it? What did you talk about? You were away for ages!" Sophie said.
"Well he invited me to a party on Friday night!" I say jumping up and down. "Do you guys want to come?"
"Of course we do," they all say.
We all talk about what we're going to wear and completely lose track of time. The bell goes and we go and get changed into our cheer gear. We walk into the hall and see coach waiting for us. This is going to be so much fun, I though. Cheer goes by really quickly and Kate and Charlotte did so well. None of their stunts dropped. We don't bother to get changed and walk over to our next class. For me that library. I pull my black Nike crop top down a bit and slid my black shorts down my legs a bit.
Kate, Charlotte, Sophie, Leah and I walk into the library. Your meant to spend the whole block studying or reading books but we just talk. When we walk in all the boys stare at us. I look around. I spot Stiles and he waves.
"Let's go sit with Stiles." Sophie said.
"No.No please no." I beg.
They don't listen. I walk with them over to Stiles and his friends. They all form a circle and don't leave a space for me apart from next to Stiles. I sit down by him and he smiles at me. I try and smile back but it doesn't really work so I just look down.
"So when's this party?" Sophie asks.
"This weekend at my place. Show up anytime after 7." He says to all of us.
"Okay, great," Sophie says.
We all sit in awkward silence until his friend Brad said "So who's this?" He gestures at Kate and Charlotte.
"This is Charlotte and Kate." Sophie says.
They all talk about how they're moving down our street and stuff. I just sit there not really listening. The bell goes and I can't wait to get out of there. I already had my bag so I didn't have to go and get it. I get up.
"I'll text you guys tonight," I say to the girls.
"I'll text you," Stiles say unexpectedly.
He never texts me and I never text him cause I don't know what to say.
"Okay, bye." I say and leave. I race out to my car.
I get in my car and chuck my bag in the back. I put my head on the steering wheel.
"What the hell was that?" I say to myself.
"What the hell was what?" I hear a voice ask.
I realised that I had put my window down and Stiles was standing right there looking confused.
"Oh nothing." I mutter.
Before he can say anything else I say "I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." And wined my window up.

*Authors Note*
I hope you liked that chapter ❤️ I'll try and update soon. Please leave a comment if you like it😘 don't forget to go read @sophie_cheer_xx 's book Simply Cheerleaders which this one is based on. I missed the second chapter of her book cause I wanted to get into the story more😄Thanks for reading 💞 Byeeeee💜
Ps the photo at the start of the capture is Stiles off Teen Wolf who the character Stiles is based on😍

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