Instinctively I grab her and give her a hand saying, "Oh my god, are you ok? I didn't see ya there." The second I see her face I know it. It's her, the one I was looking at earlier. The one I had just completely dismissed from my mind. I am so distracted that I barely hear her response.

"Yeah sorry I wasn't paying attention and walked into the wrong restroom." Her voice is innocent and calm but then her eyes lock on mine and instantly I know she knows who I am. I'm trying to judge if she is a fan and if she is going to scream or faint. I am mentally preparing myself for both, but I had just spent the past hour looking and thinking about this girl. If she fainted I would be beside myself for what to do.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry! I am such a klutz!" She says before a word can come out of my mouth and hers gets a little panicky.

So I chuckle and tell her not to worry about it as I clearly wasn't paying attention either. You don't really expect to literally run into someone walking out of the restroom but it was her and I didn't care. I ask her if she is alright because she was small and seemed to repel off of me rather hard, and this was a wood floor.

As soon as I say that I see her trying to mentally check herself. Her head has to be hurting she fell back pretty hard. I'm half expecting her to start crying or whining but she simply replies, "Um yeah I think I'm ok... I just need to uh, go to the bathroom." I can tell she is either nervous or lightheaded by the amount of time it takes her to get that sentence out. She goes to take a step and immediately grabs onto the wall for stability as my instincts kick in again and my arm goes to the small of her back to support her.

"Are you sure you're alright? I think you might need to sit down." I am genuinely concerned as I may have just severely injured this girl I have been thinking about all night.

She looks up to me and says, "Well I do need to use the bathroom first and then I will sit down." As she then looks to her elbow and I can clearly see blood dripping out of her sleeve and she rolls her eyes, "Great." She removes her cardigan revealing the top she's wearing which exposed her shoulders and chest very nice.

I try not to stare and hold the door open and offer her help in getting cleaned up. I pull off a section of paper towel and wet it as she sat on the counter of the bathroom clearly not having a care in the world, which I admire already. She holds out her elbow and other hand to take the paper towel from me but I simply refuse and start cleaning it myself. If this is the only interaction I'm going to get with this girl I am damn well going to do everything right. She watches me carefully I assume she is trying to read the situation as am I.

Finally I decide to break the silence although it isn't necessarily uncomfortable by commenting, "You must have hit something hard when you fell."

I applied pressure to the cut as she recalls what she thinks happened as she hit the corner of a sharp wall. I made a mental note to thank that wall later. She seems to be fine so I decide to tease her a bit to gage how she is by laughing and mentioning she did eat it hard. To my pleasure she returns the laughter and plays it off with a slight shove of the shoulder assuring me this isn't out of the ordinary. To be honest the second she touched me I knew I needed to find another way to talk to her tonight.

Getting a better look at her in the bathroom I was amazed. She was so beautiful. She was small but wasn't tiny. She had amazing features and beautiful blue eyes that sparkled. She was fair skinned like myself but not as pale as me. Her cheeks were painted with a shade of pink which I'm assuming is a mixture of the alcohol and this embarrassing situation. But I can't stop looking at her. She has a beautiful smile that makes me think I know her already.

"Well I'm dying to hear more of these stories then." I chuckle as I remove the paper towel from her arm, it seems as though the bleeding had stopped. We banter back and forth, both trying to see if the other was flirting, but I definitely knew I was. The vibe I got from her was she was ok with it. Finally I introduce myself to her and she responds back that her name is Savannah but everyone calls her Sav. Savannah, that's a pretty name. She does give me a handshake which I find a little funny but clearly she must have been raised the right way.

This Strange Thing Called Love: Beating Heart (A Niall Horan fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now