Someone Special (Chapter Three)

Start from the beginning

Dean and Seth looked at each other as if they knew how things were going to end.

"Yeah well I think you'll somehow end up with this girl. We'll see if we can avoid any issues with The Wyatt Family. Our girls Abby and Olivia met each other and became friends. Let's see if your girl will join us."

Roman was getting frustrated.

"I already told you guys... She's not my girl. I don't even know if she wants to be in a relationship. She seems like the type of girl that likes her freedom. Who am I to take that away from her. I think what she needs is a friend to talk to so I gave her my number if she wants to talk."

Dean and Seth went back to working out and Roman joined soon after them. Were they right? Was he going to end up falling for Melody like they did with their girls? He was glad they were together as The Shield again, but sometimes they would get a little annoying. They decided they would work out before traveling to the next town for Raw.

Melody didn't have to work at the bar every night, when she first started working there she always requested Mondays and Thursdays off for Raw and Smackdown. It was Monday night and Melody was thinking about what Roman said when he said he thought she could do better. She was under contract and was supposed to work there for at least six more months before she could quit. She tried not to think about the bar, she planned on enjoying Raw. When she watched WWE it was her escape from the outside world, an escape from her own failures. She had already seen Roman go on for his match. The Shield had reunited but tonight only Roman had to go out for a match. Roman already had his match and the rest of Raw was pretty boring. She was interrupted when there was a knock on her door. She didn't think much about it but was a bit curious as to who would be coming to her house so late. She opened the door and immediately wished she hadn't. She backed up as he made his way in. He was drunk and upset about what happened with him and his friends. Melody saw the broom nearby and was ready to strike if necessary.

"M...Mark... What are you doing here? How did you get here?"

"I followed you home one night. I could've come by anytime to see what you're up to. I never could figure out what you do on Mondays and Thursdays. Now I know. You spend your Mondays and Thursdays at home watching wrestling when you should be working for me. You are under contract you know."

"You know I don't work on Mondays and Thursdays, the reason shouldn't matter, I would do anything now to get away from you and that bar. Get out of my house now!"

"Aw come on baby don't be like that. I just wanted to come see you..."

She grabbed the broom and was ready to hit him with it but he pulled it from her hands and pushed her to the floor.

"I came here for my payback... I wanted you, I wanted you so bad, but now... I just want you dead. That guy that beat me up Roman Reigns... Where is he now? Where is your Superman now? He's not here now is he? But don't think I forgot about what happened. He should have killed me when he had the chance. He's not here this time to save you. It looks like you'll be getting what you want after all... By the time I'm done with you, you won't have to worry about working at the bar anymore. You're going to die tonight Bitch!"

He pushed her to the ground and started beating her. This time he was alone, but this time he didn't even try to rape her. This time he was going to kill her. He hit her everywhere... The face, the back, the stomach, and anywhere else you can think of and she wondered now if getting raped would be as bad as what she was currently going through. She already had a black eye and bruises from the attack the previous night. She was now getting new bruises and a black eye on the other side of her face to match. She realized that now her nose had started to bleed and her mouth was swollen and bleeding from being hit in the face so many times. She cried and screamed and begged for him to stop, but he only got more violent as the minutes passed by. It had been fifteen minutes and he was ready to finish her off. He had used his weight to keep her down the whole time so she couldn't move. Now she was tired from screaming and trying to fight back so he was ready to finish her off. He grabbed her by her neck and started choking her, it was getting harder and harder for her to breathe and she thought she wasn't going to make it. Luckily one of her neighbors called the police once they heard screaming and Mark stopped choking her once he started hearing police sirens. He stopped choking her and hit her hard one more time in the face before he ran out the back door and into the woods. Her face was a bloody mess and when she finally realized someone showed up to help her, she passed out after losing so much blood. The last thing she saw was a bunch of police officers and paramedics coming through her door and the last thing she heard was someone saying to hang in there and that help was on the way. The person that called for help was her neighbor Rebecca. She knew Melody enough to know that her relationship with her mom wasn't the best, but might have been the only person she had on her phone. Melody had other friends,but didn't have their phone numbers. The only other person in her phone now was Roman. Rebecca decided to call him first, he might be the only person that would show up to be with Melody while she was in the hospital. Raw was over and Roman was about to leave along with the rest of The Shield when his phone started to ring. When Roman saw the name on the phone he smiled and stopped what he was doing.

"Hang on guys... I need to take this call."

Dean grumbled in annoyance as he was trying to put his things in the back of the SUV they drove. Seth rolled his eyes as he turned to face Roman.

"Fine, but hurry. We need to get going so we can get to the next town."

Roman nodded as he walked away to answer the phone.


"Hi... Is this Roman Reigns?"


"Hi, my name is Rebecca, and I'm Melody's neighbor. I'm calling because I guess you're a friend of hers. Your number is the only number in her phone besides her mom."

"Ok, what's going on? How come she didn't call me herself?"

"I was getting to that... I don't mean to worry you because I don't exactly know what happened, but she is on her way to the hospital. I called the police when I heard screaming next door because I thought something was wrong? When the police and paramedics showed up she had passed out because she was covered with blood."

"Oh my God, I hope she will be ok. Thank you for letting me know. I'm not in Orlando right now because I travel a lot, but I'm on my way. I'm going to come see her."

"Sure... Bye."

Once they hung up the phone Rebecca thought she would call Melody's mom to let her know what happened. Roman hung up the phone and went back over to Dean and Seth.

"Guys... I know this may seem like short notice, but I need to get to Orlando... Right now.

Dean looked at him confused while Seth asked him why.

"The fastest way to get there is by plane, but why do you need to get to Orlando?"

"To see Melody... She's in trouble... I thought it was Melody that called, but it was her neighbor."

"What did her neighbor say?"

"She said she didn't know what happened, but we have to get to Orlando now... It's Melody... She's in the hospital."

(To be continued. Comments?)

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