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"Haddy, move your stuff it's in our way!" Nia says, clearly annoyed with me.

"Sorry." I say shyly, hating that she put me on the spot and now all of her band members are staring at me while I shakily pick up my laptop and magazines from the coffee table. I walk away from the scene, my heart still beating at a rapidly fast pace in my chest and my cheeks still blushing red.

"Ugh, it's like my sisters want to embarrass me all the damn time." I mumble under my breath, as I ascend the stairs and go to my room. I close the door shut behind me and sit my stuff down on the table next to my bed, plopping down on my mattress and sighing.

"Why couldn't I be as ambitious as my sisters? Just why?" I groan, and turn over on my side, staring out my window.

I have such big dreams, yet such little confidence to fulfill them. No one in my family knows about what I want to do, and what I want to be. I want to be a singer, I want to go on huge world tours and play in sold out stadiums and have beautiful fans that love and support everything I do. I want to travel the world and experience everything life has to offer, and make music and just have fun in life. That's what I want.

I know, it's so cliche. My sisters are already making a name for themselves, as a band, and then there's me. The singer who will most likely never be. Probably turn out to be stuck behind some computer because I was too scared to chase my dreams.

I get up, swinging my legs over the side of my bed, and turn around to stare at my keyboard over by the door.

"Maybe just one song." I say softly, and walk over to my keyboard, sitting down and turning it on. I slightly press my finger on a key, letting the notes fall back into place in my mind. I slowly begin to play Beside You by 5 Seconds Of Summer, letting the words fall out of my mouth as well.

"She lies, awake. I'm trying to find the words to say. I wish I was, I wish I was.....beside you....." I trail off, my voice slowly fading away until you hear nothing.

"Haddy, that was amazing." I hear an astonished voice say, and I jump in my seat, making my fingers hit some random keys pretty harshly. The weird sound echoes into the air, as I turn my head and surprisingly see Casey Moreta, a member of my sisters' band, staring at me with his jaw dropped.

"No it wasn't, but thanks. W-why are you in my room?" I stutter, my hands starting to shake the longer he stands there, staring at me.

"No really, it was. Why haven't you ever told anyone you could sing?" He questions, letting himself further into my room and closing the door behind him.

"B-because I c-can't, okay? N-now w-why were you in my room?" Curse you social awkwardness.

He laughs, making me feel like I did something stupid. Good going, Haddy.

"Technically I wasn't in your room, I was in your doorway. Anyway, we're ordering pizza and Nia wanted to know if just cheese was fine." He says, giving me a smile.

I clear my throat, trying to ignore the oncoming blush that creeps it's way onto my face, as well as the sweat starting to form at the top of my hair line.

"Y-yeah, sounds good." I finish, and he gives me a nod.

Just as I think he's about to leave, he opens the door more and says to me, "Seriously, though. You're really good." He gives me a friendly smile, and closes the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I exhale, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. What if Casey was telling the truth? What if I actually am good?

"No, he was probably just saying that to be nice. Yeah, that's it." I say more to myself than anything, and quickly hop into my bed. Pulling the covers up and snuggling into them, quickly falling into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2015 ⏰

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