5 •*.

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This is dedicated to thechurchofkinks because her comments/messages make me smile .

Louis' heartbeat was pulsing in his ears right now. There was a crowd surrounding Harry, Nick, and himself. Everyone was chanting,

"Fight, fight, fight!"

"Beat his fucking ass, Harry!"

Or the occasional, "someone help the boy in the dress!"

Louis choked back a sob as he cringed, watching his boyfriend go ballistic. He's throwing punches at Nick, who was lying basically dead on the floor. Every time another punch was thrown at Nick's face, Louis can hear Harry mumble

"Fucking mine."

"Touch him again and I swear to god I will kill you."

"Your grave is fucking waiting, dammit."

Louis doesn't know what to do. He could let Harry finish, but Nick could be killed. He could try and pull Harry off, which could result in himself getting hurt. Louis goes with the latter, decided he would rather get hurt than someone being beaten to the brink of death, even if he doesn't like that person.

Louis pulled off his shoes, figuring it would be easier to get in there without six inch heels on. He then ran forward, pulling at Harry's arm.

"Harry! Stop, you're going to kill him!"

Harry fist halted as it was about to collide with Nick's face again when he heard Louis' voice behind him. He got off of Nick slowly, eyes widening slightly when he realized how much damage he did in a state of rage.

"Holy fuck," Harry whispered while backing away from a barely breathing Nick.

Louis walked up from behind an gripped into his bicep, slowly pulling him through the crowd. He sighed softly, "c'mon love, everything's okay." Even if Louis was the one that was looked after, doesn't mean he has to care or comfort his daddy sometimes. He had called zayn, who was going to drive them back home. Zayn was also going to bring Liam and Niall, who would drive Harry's car back.

Louis really hopes tomorrow is a better day.


Harry groaned as the sunlight from the window hit his face. He had a terrible migraine and he doesn't want to move. He doesn't remember anything that happened last night, except for Nick's arm around Louis' torso. Harry growled to himself, going to clench his left fist but ended up hissing in pain. He went to lift up his hand in front of his face, gasping when he saw gauze wrapped around his hand. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Why the fuck is this wrapped on my hand?

As soon as he thought that, there was an almost inaudible knock at the door before Louis came in, a pill and glass of water in both hands.

"Hey, daddy..how are you feeling?" The boy asked quietly, trying not to be loud because his boyfriend has a hangover.

Harry groaned again, slowly but surely sitting up against the headboard. "Tired." He answered hoarsely. He took the pill from Louis and popped it in his mouth, taking the glass of water and downed it, murmuring a quiet 'thanks, love.'

Louis hummed in reply, kicking off his house shoes and climbing into bed, snuggling next to Harry. He figured they would just have a lazy day, since Harry couldn't really function enough to do anything today.

"Lou? Can you tell me why my hand is bandaged up?" Harry asked hesitantly. Louis nodded and giggled softly behind his hand.

"Well, for one you kicked Nick's ass."

Hello guyssss, another update for you all!!

I feel like this was a filler almost? Idk but I wanted to update again so here ya go!!

Once again this is dedicated to thechurchofkinks because she makes me smile with her comments/messages :)

   So until the next update,
      All the love babies,
(P.s. As always sorry for any mistakes, if any they'll be fixed later on x)

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