"What the f-ck?" At the older mans voice, the hybrid squeaked from surprise and sat up, knocking his head against the glass door in the process. His wide green eyes were in full alert as he stared at Louis, his lower lip shaking. "How the hell did you get in here?" He shouted, ignoring the adorable look the boy had given him, storming up the steps and in front of the hybrid who was now shaking as much as a phone when it vibrated.

He stuck his hands out in front of him, his hands pressing against the others chest to stop him from coming closer and possibly hitting him. "Th-there was a hole in the gate behind a bush and-and I was being chased so I came in. Please don't hurt me." He talked very fast, flinching every time Louis would even make a simple move.

"Can you stop flinching! I'm not going to hit you." Louis said annoyed, yet he felt bad. Maybe this boy was hurt a lot? No. He can't feel bad. "You need to leave, now." He dropped his bag and reached up, wrapping his fingers around the others wrists and pulling them away from his chest.

The curly haired hybrid with brown ears flattened his ears even more, his eyes tearing up. "But, sir. I have nowhere else to go. Please." This boy was a stranger. How would Louis know if he took the boy in and he suddenly got slaughtered in his sleep? "I won't be a bother! Just for a few days until the bad people leave town." He pleaded.

Don't fall for the face, Louis. You're stronger than this, remember? Just say no and it'll be done and over with.

"Name?" The man asked, his ice cold blue eyes glaring into the jade green ones. They were actually very pretty, the occasional blue being seen in them also but just for a flash, like it was rare for it to even be there. But Louis still saw it.

The hybrid removed the others tight hold on his wrist and bowed his head, a sign of respect. "Harry Styles, sir." He whispered, hope lacing in his tone. He was probably hoping that Louis wouldn't call the police on him for intruding.

Closing his eyes tightly for a moment, Louis picked his bag up, took out his house keys and easily unlocked the door before sliding it open. "Enter." He watched as Harry's head snapped up, his eyes wide and bright now. "Go before I change my damn mind."

Harry scrambled and stumbled over his own two feet before rushing into the house, adjusting to the coolness. It was a great difference compared to the outside. Since it was summer, it was blazing hot out there. "Thank you so much, sir." He breathed in.

Louis closed the door and dropped his bag with a stressful sigh, taking off his tuxedo jacket and throwing it by the closet. He didn't feel like being neat right now. The careless action made Harry cringe and bite down on his lip in attempt to keep him from saying something about it.

"Of you're going to stay here, you're gonna have to tell me who these 'bad guys' are and what they want with you." Louis almost choked on his words because one glance at Harry's lips and he was almost gone. They looked like the perfect lips to give you a blow job with.

Stop being weak, idiot.

The boy nodded slowly and lifted his ears so they were perking up now. "Bad guys always come down here once a month for a week to torture us hybrids. They cut off their ears and tails." He teared up at his own words, laying his ears flat again. "They sometimes kill them. They almost caught me three times so far and they followed me down to the last block today."

"And where are your parents?" Louis couldn't help but ask and although he meant to ask the question harshly, it came out soft. God, he needed to stop. It was like he was letting his guard down.

Harry gulped and ran his fingers through his hair. "Bad men caught them." His lip wobbled and he let out a little sob before dropping his head in shame.

How does Louis even deal with this? Are guys the same as girls? His sisters would just need hugs and comforting words but that'd be so awkward with the younger one because hugs aren't really his thing with strangers. Especially hybrids.

He sighed and slowly went over to Harry, patting his head. "No... Please stop crying.. Uhh-" he panicked when Harry started crying harder. "Wow sh-t, okay. I have ice cream? Do you want ice cream? And I think I have some soda." He watched him sniffle and look up at him with those wide green eyes, nodding slowly.

"Yes, sir." He licked his lips at the thought of food, his tail wagging a bit.

"It's Louis. My name is Louis." He let out, grabbing Harry's arm and pulling him to the large kitchen just across the living room. "Pick a flavor." Louis opened the freezer, vanilla, mint chocolate chip and cookies and cream ice cream on the side of it.

Harry shyly grabbed the mint chocolate chip and rushed off to sit at the table before ripping off the lid and stuffing his hand into the container. Louis gaped as he watched Harry eat the cold junk food off of his own hands, continuing to shove it into his mouth.

Boy, he sure was something.


HOLA. So??????? You like???? Or no???

UPDATED: SEP, 14 2015

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