2. Just An Ordinary Morning

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My eyes flew open and I sat up slowly with the help of my elbows, blinking rapidly to get my eyes used to the darkness surrounding me. It took a while, but they adjusted and I looked around, confused.

Where am I?     

It was a living room, that’s for sure. It was classy, with all the right furniture and matching curtains, coaches made of leather and a table out of some fancy wood. They even made their TV look the part. I rolled my eyes, secretly despising it all. It didn’t take long until the thought left my mind though, and my previous state of mind returned.

Where the hell am I?

I slowly rose to my feet, nearly falling over the bag that was poorly placed on the floor, beside the coach I’d been sleeping on. With a mind fuzzy of sleep, I nearly missed it, but luckily enough I didn’t.

Hastily, I got to my knees and started searching for anything that could be useful. For what, I wasn’t sure off yet…

A square, small and slightly cold object found its way into my hand and I sighed in relief. My phone. Finally. It was still attached to my headphones and a new wave of relief washed over me. It was one of the items that I always had to buy multiple versions off, as they either got lost or broke all the time. But these were my last pair and I had no idea when I’d get the chance to buy new ones, so that’s good.

I must’ve become fully awake by the time I found them as yesterday got back to me and I groaned, burring my face in my hands.

“I’m here, aren’t I?”

There was no answer to my mumbling, but the silence was enough. I remembered the long ride, then falling asleep, but after that it was all a blank page, waiting to be filled.

I gulped and stood up, again.

With no idea with what to do now, I began pacing the small area between the couch and table, if you even can call that ‘pacing’ with such a tiny space to do it on.

Okay, I fell asleep. What next? It couldn’t been long since I got here, as Anders told me it was four hours left and I had definitely been awake two of those hours which meant I’d been asleep for around 5 hours, the conclusion I got too after checking my phone. Which told me it was half past 4.

5 hours… It was the longest I’d slept in a row in weeks, making my body whom had been used to no sleep wide awake. But it bugged me how good of a sleep I’d had here – the place where I did not want to stay at the least! I let the uneasy ness go and blamed my lack of sleep making me extra tired, and was about to sit down on the couch (which was more comfortable then I would like to admit.)

A creak rang through the celling from what probably was the second floor and I flinched, as it successfully stopped me in my pace. Could I have woken someone? It didn’t take long until my question was answered as what obviously steps of someone walking around upstairs, right over my head.

My feet reacted before my head, and I fled. It was easy to find my way out. Leaving everything except the clothes I was wearing and my phone.

I took a step out on the porch but it didn’t take long until I returned it inside, my whole being shivering in the cold. My feet stung from touching the ice-cold surface and I had no longer any intention of doing it again. But the there was still sounds from upstairs, so I quickly stepped into a random pair of shoes, that proudly stood tall beside the door. They were slightly wide for my toes, but it was better than no shoes at all.

And when I already were I remembered seeing a blanket inside, so I quickly got back to get it as quietly as I could before practically running out of the house.

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