Chapter 1

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The rumor of my promised puberty have been greatly exaggerated. I used to be anonymous, Invisible, to the opposite sex. If google earth was a guy he couldn't find me if I was dressed up as a 10 story building. Pretty cutting edge stuff, huh? A high-school girl feeling anonymous. Who am I? What does it all mean? Why am I here? Blah. Don't worry this isn't one of those tails. Though it sure started out that way.. Then it changed pretty quickly when I started lying about some very personal things.. So let the records show that I, Olive penderghast, being of sound mind and below average breast size, swear to show the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Starting now.. And what better way to show that then broadcasting it on the Internet.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. It was like the devil making the most annoying noise possible... I jumped out of bed and got ready. I put on some denim jeans and a black singlet and completed it with a gold necklace.

I arrived at school and of course my bestfriend Rhiannon was there to meet me. She is the most annoying blonde ever but I love her. A few weeks ago she invited me to go on a camping trip with her, and her parents. I don't know why I lied, Manely because her parents are the weirdest people ever. Anyway I told her that I was spending the entire weekend with this guy called "George." When what I really did on my weekend was get one of those musical cards and danced around the house singing, I GOT A POCKET, GOT A POCKET FULL OF SUNSHINE!!!!

As soon as Rhiannon saw me she gave me this weird look while wiggerling her eyebrows... 

"Did you and George have fun?"

"Yes, actually. He is very romantic. But I think it was just a one time thing you know.."

"You spent the entire weekend with a guy and now it was just a one time thing?"

"Yeah, Technically" I said.



"Did you, you know?

"What No! Rhiannon im not that type of girl."

Then she dragged me into the bathroom.

"Tell me now, bitch!" She said.

"You know you call me bitch, alot!"

"Tell me now, shit-face."

"Your not really heading in the right dircetion.."

"You totally lost your v-card to him!"

"Alirght, We did it.."

"I knew it! But. George isn't a sexy name its like something that you would call your teddy bear, not something you would want to scream out suring climax!"

"Oh, whatever..."

I dont know why I lied to rhiannon I just thought it was nice being superior to her for once...

"Now your a super slut like me!"

"I don't think that letting Ryan motorboat you outside a Bed, Bath and Beyond makes you a super slut?"

"There was alot of people around someone could have easily seen."

At the exact moment the biggest bitch ever walked out of one of the cubicals... Marianne... She is like some creepy catholic.. Last year she held a massive pertition on how our school mascot is a blue devil, and how thats something against catholics? Anyway so now our school mascot is a Woodchuck... Anyway she hearded everything that Rhi, and I said... Pefect!

It's amazing how fast rumors can really spread.. After 2nd period everyone knew.. And when I say everyone, I really ment everyone! 

You know how I said before that google map couldn't find me if I was a 10 story building? I take that back if google map was a guy he could find me if I was a crack on the side walk.. 

But I got to admit, I sort of liked being on the map.

I walked up to Marianne and Nina was with her. I asked to talk to Marianne alone and then Nina just gave me this annoying death stare... "BYE NINAAA!!" I screamed just to annoy her..

"Olive right?" Marianne asked.

"Yeah, We have 7 classes together.. Including Religion but you called it Science fiction and refused to go?"

"Hmm, You've made your bed Olive I just pray to god that you have cleaned the sheets."

And thats all she said before going a rejoicing with Nina..

This isn't going to turn out good...

Hoped you guys liked it, if you did comment below. Now guys this has nothing against critians.. Xoxoxoxoxoxox

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2013 ⏰

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