Chapter Two

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Hope you enjoy sorry if any are short!!

"Come on Tyler get your shoes on I need to take you to school" I pleaded, I hate this I have to take care of my six year old brother while my mum sits on her ass doing nothing all day, useless git.

"No, I don't wanna go school" he screamed

"I'm already late Tyler, please for me" I pleaded again and gave him puppy eyes

"Fine Olivia, only because your the best mummy sister ever!"

"Thank you" I sighed.

Okay, your probably really confused right now so I'm gonna explain. You see it's only me, Tyler and my mum at home cause my dad packed up and left us when I was three, father of the year everyone. Anyway I have to take care of Tyler cause my mum sits on her arse all day smoking, drinking, eating and watching TV. I'm practically Tyler's mum which is why he gets confused and calls me "mummy sister". I hate my mum and if I could move out I would it's just I don't have money or know any other family. I hate my mum cause ever since my dad left and she started drinking she would abuse me. And everyone thinks my life is perfect, perfect my arse.

"Okay Tyler have you got your lunch?"




"Pen, pencils and colours?"


"Okay let's get going we need to run Tyler cause we're late"

"Okay Olivia"

"Bye mum!" I yelled as I walked out the door.

"Bye slag!" She yelled back, it's not just physical abuse, she will call me a slut cause I lost my virginity at a young age, but that's a different story and she knows it.

Me and Tyler ran towards his school and once I dropped him off and explained why we was late and apologised I ran towards my school which wasn't far away.

I ran through the school gates and made my way to second period which is English cause I had missed first which wasn't bad it was science anyway.

When I got to class everyone was already inside and I was fifth teen minutes late, I'm a dead woman especially with Mr Styles. God he hates me but he is fit.

I walked through the door and immediately Mr Styles stopped taking and all eyes was on me

"Oh miss Peterson you decided you wanted to come to your classes only because you missed first period and your ten minutes late, what's your amazing excuse this time?" He said sitting on the end of his desk and crossing his arms over his broad chest

"I'm late cause I had to drop my little brother off at school, it's not like I was purposely late an oh I'm fifteen minutes late not ten." I said taking a seat at the back between Jade and Amber.

"Don't give me that tone, anyway let's continue with the book 'Of mice and men'." He said looking looking at me suspiciously

Half way through the class when everyone was working, Jade and Amber started talking to me.

"Alright, how come your really late again?" Jade whispered

"Like I said I had to drop my brother off at school it's the truth" I said honestly

"Cause your mum wouldn't do it?" Amber asked

"Yeah, she never does anything I mean I feel sorry for Tyler cause he must be really confused cause he called me mum before and I just don't want him to gr-" I was interrupted

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