sh!t stories

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k, so im pretty sure we've all seen those fanfics that are completely unoriginal, or the plot is not thought out and starts to degrade itself.

imma start off with these damn magcon books,

"Adopted by Magcon" tf... he is ur father so, if ur father is making you his sex slave pls contact someone that's not right, they might not be connected by blood but the adoptive father has earned that title, so that's ur dad ur fcking constantly.

"Bullied by Magcon"

u should just title it, "Bullied by Bipolar b!tches" bcuz one moment he is making fun of ur nsync t shirt and the next he is making out with you, btw, can u breathe???

"Sex Slave for Magcon"

bruh if ur a sex slave u ain't going very far. a slave is supposed to stay under ones control and usually kept on one's property so.. and if u have been banged all night how are u gonna walk anyway??

i see books that are rushed too,

"he was taking my virginity when nate popped up, popping the p and sam shot him quickly before booping my nose and running off, i pulled out my magic razor and died."

i see books like this everyday in the top of fanfiction and i almost cried the other day bcuz there is way better books that deserve to be up there that actually are planned out and have logic and unique storyline.

k bye

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