20:Jealous for mentality?

Start from the beginning

Edward was shocked for a second. She pulled back and then looked at me from head to toe.

"And you?", she asked Edward. "I'm Ed-Jackson"
Edward was alarmed for what he was going to blurt out.

"And what is this?", she pointed towards me.

"She's my best friend, Sandra Campbell", Edward put an arm around me.

There was clear jealousy in her eyes.
But why was she pretending that she never knew me.

She stared at my clothes. I was wearing black shorts with a black T-shirt.
"A girl? Look at her fashion sense she looks a boy with blue eyes and golden hair", she raised an eyebrow.

This was enough I am not going to stand this behavior and she's forgetting who's she talking to.

" You don't know I'm really good at football so that means I have good kicks and I'm good at boxing too. So frankly my dear if you even slightly care about your precious sexy face then do yourself a favor and stay away from me"

"There's clear jealousy in somebody's face for my looks", she said showing off her freshly manicured nails.

"Jealousy? Why would someone be jealous for your mentality?", I said as Edward was controlling his laughter.

"Fuck off bitch", she muttered as she went away.
When she was out of sight Edward burst out laughing. 

"Edward you don't like her?", I shockingly asked.
"What? No way never. She's just a pound of makeup nothing else", He rolled his eyes.

I love you so much Edward

I hope I didn't say that out loud.


"You could've put some effort in getting ready", Alex said in disgust.

We both were sitting in the living room waiting for our car to arrive from the Service workshop.
Alex was a real show-off! He couldn't resist showing off our Mercedes so he sent it to the workshop to give it a "makeover".

"Learn something, some fashion from my girlfriend", Alex ran his fingers through his hair.

His what??

"Your girlfriend? And who is she?", I raised an eyebrow.
"It's not important for me to tell you", he rolled his eyes.
"I'm your ELDER sister. Tell me.", I commanded.
"Okay, okay. Eleanor Nelson. The new chick in the school", Alex said.

"Alex you should've asked me about her before you don't know what a-", I was rudely interrupted.
"Please stay out of my life. It's my life so I decide what I have to do and what's wrong for me and what's not. It's none of your concern", with that our car arrived and Alex stormed out of the house.

What just happened?

But he's right Sandra you have nothing to do with anyone's life when your's isn't figured out.

The car ride went silent because Alex realised that he had been too harsh to me.
In 15 minutes we reached Edward's home.
"Hii", Edward's mom greeted us. She gave me and Alex formal air kisses.
Alex was like what the hell?

Edward's dad greeted us 
Where was Edward?

We went to the dining table.

"Where's Jackson?", Alex asked.
Finally somebody noticed his absence.

"Oh he's upstairs in his room, he should be here any minute",his mom informed us.

"i'll go call him",i offered and I ran upstairs. The hall was big with black marble on the floor.

God, it looks like a hotel.
Is there anyone else here?
I better not run in to anybody else's room.

I was passing by rooms when I heard One Republic's song playing in a room.

Edward please tell me it's your room. Give me a sign?

I was surprised to hear Edward's voice singing with the song.

Yeah an he calls me stupid or what was that silly.

This was a golden chance. I threw the door open. "Surprise surprise", I yelled over the song.

Edward was scared out of his wits.
He was wearing a green T-shirt with black jeans.

"Sandy...you scared me", he took a deep breath.
" I'm sorry to run in on you like this, but your dad's calling for dinner", I said controlling my laughter.

"Let's go", he said clicking the lights off.

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