What I Like That He/She...

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I had one boyfriend ever. He turned out to be a dick. So, this will be my ideal partner.

1) Kind: If I am to ever date again I want a person that's kind to me. They have to be able to be kind, even when in a bad mood.

2) Fangirl/boy : I need a fangirl/boy. I can't date someone who isn't one. And if I do, they have to be able to put up with my fangirlness and ranting. And if I date a non fangirl/boy I will convert them.

3) Clingy (Optional): Is much rather have a partner that texts me 12 times to make sure I'm okay than one that doesn't check up on me at all.

4) Funny: I want someone who can always make me laugh no matter my mood.

5) Punny: I come from a family of punners. I want someone who can keep up with my horrible puns and can participate in the horrible pun making.

6) Tall: I am extremely short. Like, majoly. I am really attracted to tall people. Especially a really shy tall person. That's just the cutest!

7) Accepting: I've had way to many people shun me for my fangirlness (my own brothers included) so I would really appreciate if my partner accepted me for the fangirl I am.

8) Eskimo kisses: I just find them adorable!

9) Understanding: Sometimes I'm not in the mood to do anything beside binge watch Netflix and eat chocolate. Other times I need all the cuddles. They would need to understand that.

10) Not ENFP: I'm ENFP and I need someone to balance me out.

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