Chapter 2

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It's been about 24 hours since Trevor has brought me here and I managed to make a friend with one of the servants.

Gabby is making my breakfast,

(Thank God because I haven't eaten anything since I got here).

"The master is often out, so I think you will like it here. The other servants are pretty nice. Some are a little touchy but if anyone gives you trouble just come find me." She said

I smiled feeling better because of her warm welcome. I never really had any friends at home.

"Thank you for being so nice to me." I said

She looked at me and smiled.

"Of course why wouldn't I be?" She asked and turned to continue cooking the food.

I just smiled because I'd rather not answer the question.

"But it is very peculiar, how you ended up here. The master rarely shows mercy, especially upon his meals. He usually chooses certain people who had nothing else to live for in life." She continued, "But from what you tell me, I'm sure you had nothing to live for either since you volunteered for the job. You must be a very lucky girl."

I looked down into my lap. She isn't wrong. This all seems like a big dream if I'm going to be honest. I feel ignorant for leaving with a complete stranger. Especially when that stranger was a blood sucking monster who wanted me as dinner. But I guess she was right, I didn't really have anything else to live for.

As I watch her make my pancakes I wonder about what she had said, He usually just chooses the maids, and that made me wonder about how she got chosen.

"Hey Gabby?" I asked.

She looked "Yeah?"

"How did you get chosen?"

She was hesitant at first but then decided that she would tell me "It's kinda a long story...."

I didnt hesitate at all "I got time" I smiled at her and she smiled back

"Okay. Where should I start first? Hmmm..... well I geuss I should start when my mom died." she shuddered at that part

"It's okay go on" I assured her sharing her empathy.

"Well when my mom died I had to be put in a home and I was depressed so I started drinking. I was around my friends all the time they drove me anywhere and everywhere...well where ever they went. So one night my friend was driving and we were all drunk and my friend drove over a squirrel or racoon or somthing I dont remember and we wanted to bury it.....

%!!!!! FLAHBACK !!!!!%

" Hey hey guys.....gggeuss wh*burp*at?"

"what gabby?"

" I I I love you gguys! So *burp* much."

"WE LOVE YOU TOO GABBY!" every body started laughing

*BUMP* "hey what was that? pull over!" the car pulls over and every body gets out but some of them trip on the way


" eewww a dead squirrel! Kill it ! Kill it! "

"Gabby it"s already dead"

"Oh yeah hahaha *burp* "

"what should we do with it?"

'OOOOOO OOO I KNOW! we should burrry it"

everybody shouted "YEAH!"

"then it could rest in Peace"

"well gabby.."


"pick it up!"

"eewww no!!! I'm not touching that thing"

"okay okay baby ill do it....umm wered it go?"

everybody searched and searched until they found it minutes later right in front of them

"oh there it is!"

brad picks it up and they all skip into the woods and he is chasing everybody with it



"Folow me"

" okay"

Gabby and Jared went deeper in the woods to make out.


"whats so funny?"

"you taste like beer. haha"

"so do you"




" I dont know c'mon!"

they start running to were they left there friends but to only find all of them dead on the ground

"Jared!" she buries her face in his chest. Then a shadow came out of nowhere and Gabby stepped up

"Did u do this?! I'll fucking kill you!" she runs up to him and Jared try's to hold her back but there was no use stopping her. She runs up to the strange shadow only to be pushed with super strength and hit a tree almost knocked out.

"Gabby! AAAHHH!!!" and then it was silent

Gabriella moans in pain and the man walks up to her and bends down and examines her

"Your strong and brave. You know i've been watching you for a while and nobody will notice if your gone."

"What?" the man reaches to knock her out

everything goes black.

%!!!!!END OF FLASH BACK!!!!!%

"So after that he said I had to be his slave until he decides to kill me."

Thats so sad. I mean he gave her a home but he murdered all of her friends. What kind of trouble was I getting myself into? I seriously need to think before I say stuff.
I slowly start to regret my request to come work for him

"I'm so sorry" I said and I meant it too. The look in her eyes told me that she knew that.

"It's okay I try to look at the brighter sides of everything"

"What brighter side!?"

"Well for one I 'm not dead yet"

"Yeah thats a good one"

"And i have a roof over my head, food to eat, and a bed to sleep in. Speaking of beds, let me show you where you'll be sleeping from now on." she held out her hand but I didnt take it

"C'mon I wont bite not like the demon that lives down the hall" I laughed at that then I took her hand and she led me down some stairs to the bottom floor. Then we entered a room with atleast ten beds

"Here you can sleep in the one next to me it's not claimed by anyone" I nodded my head.

She showed me where the bathrooms were and gave me pajamas to sleep in. She also gave me clothes to wear for tomorrow.
I walked to the bed pulled the covers down and got in. It wasn't the softest bed in the world but like Gabby said, at least I have a bed to sleep in and then drifted into a deep sleep.

My Vampire MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora