Gianluca #1 - Ti ho preso.

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Your P.O.V.

The time had finally arrived for you to go to your first, and hopefully not your last, Il Volo concert. They had announced that they were doing a world tour, and luckily, your country was included, and you were actually able to go this time. You were over-excited! You were rejoicing! You were beyond thankful for such an opportunity. 
     You went with your two best friends, Jasmine and Emily, because you were all Il Volo trash. Since you'd managed to get the tickets pretty much as soon as they came out, you had access to the closest part of the stage, meaning you were with the standing crowd, against the barrier. You hadn't realised how hot and stuffy it would be in there, but you passed it off as your excitement and adrenaline getting the better of you. 
     Once the boys came on, the crowd of people immediately clumped together, with fangirls from every direction desperately trying to get as close as they could. You were pushed against the barrier, putting immense pressure on your stomach. You were trying so hard to concentrate on the beautiful voices of the trio, and unintentionally focused on Gianluca. His voice undid the knots in your head, and made you fall into a trance like state. But you were suddenly taken out of your trance when you felt someone try to push in front of you. You defiantly held onto the barrier, but as the concert went on, your grip on the barrier loosened, and you could feel your focus getting lost. You managed to regain focus when you heard your name being called, and felt your shoulders being shook. 
     "Y/N? Y/N! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" You turned your head to your concerned friends, and nodded, faking a smile. You looked back at the stage, wiping sweat away from your now soaking forehead. You noticed Gianluca looking at you with a worried expression, as if he was asking you if you were alright. You smiled and gave a slight nod. He was seemingly satisfied with your reply, as he smiled back and continued to sing, but you noticed him giving you the occasional glance throughout the rest of the show.
     You suddenly took note of how dry your mouth was, and tried to remember the last time you'd had a drink. You stupidly didn't drink much before the concert, thinking that it would be better, so you wouldn't have to use the bathroom. Obviously didn't think that one through! You started to cough, and your vision became blurry. Your vision came back momentarily, giving you the ability to notice that Gianluca had stopped singing completely, and now had his full attention on you. Your vision once again became blurred, and you could feel yourself stumbling. As darkness took over, you felt yourself falling forward, still pressed against the barrier. The last thing you remember is Gianluca rushing forward, and shouting "Ti ho preso!".
     You woke up later, feeling slightly light-headed, but much better than before. The choking feeling had gone and the feeling of the cool air that hit your face was a wonderful sensation. You opened your eyes and tried to gather your surroundings. You were lying on your side on a set of red chairs, with your head resting on...someone's legs. You turned around quickly and looked up to find that those legs belonged to a certain Italian baritone, by the name of Gianluca. He looked down at you and smiled, but you couldn't do anything but stare. 
     "Ah, (Y/N), you're finally awake. How you you feeling, il mio caro?" You smiled at the name, and nodded your head. You went to sit up, but felt a sharp pain in your head. Gian pushed you back down and stroked your head.
     "Don't worry, ti ho preso." He whispered to you. You only now realised that he was still holding his microphone. You tuned in on the sounds of a cheering crowds, and two booming voices.
     Could the concert still be going on? I must not have been out for very long then. But why is Gianluca here, with me? Shouldn't he be on stage?
You were taken out of your thoughts when Gianluca started speaking into the microphone. He'd apparently told everyone that you were awake and alright, but he still needed to stay and make sure. After a bit of teasing from the boys, they announced their last song, which was "Un Amore Cosi' Grande." Gian bent down and whispered into your ear.
     "I hope you don't mind me carrying on with the concert." You had just enough energy to shake your head. He smiled and began to sing along to the music. As he sang, he kept eye contact with you. His hazel eyes were glinting with the lights from the stage, making them glow like dusted diamonds. You realised that you were still gawking at him, so you turned your head away, hiding your burning cheeks. You heard him chuckle lightly, and as he began to sing again, you could feel yourself falling asleep. You'd managed to block out everything other than his voice. His sweet serenade sent you to a silent sleep, and your last thought was how you were so convinced you could smell nutella!
     You were once again awoken, this time by a chilling wind in your ear. You turned you head to it's direction, and saw that it was Gianluca blowing in your ear, trying to wake you up. You glared at him and he laughed. 
     "Sorry to wake you, but I've got to go. Your friends are here to take care of you." You looked behind him and saw your friends standing there, smirking. You glared at them before sitting up. You felt a lot better than before, but were dying of thirst. Through a rough, croaky voice, you thanked him apologetically.
     "Don't be silly. I could never let a fan get into any harm."
     "But you've done so much, I don't know how to thank you."
     "There is one way." You looked down as he tapped your leg with a pen. 
     "You could give me your number." He said with a smirk. Not having any paper around, you took his hand and wrote down your number on the back, with your name, and a kiss. You heard Ignazio calling him in the distance, and as he got up, he winked at you and smiled, before running in the direction of the shout. You sat there, processing what had just happened. For the rest of the night, the only words that ran through your head were...

Ti ho preso.

A/N: This took me AGES to write, and I have no idea why! I hope you enjoyed it nevertheless. The next one is a request for my bae, Emily! 

Send requests either through inbox or in the comments.

Grazie, and ciao, YA CREEPS!! ;3 x

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