First Day (Chapter One)

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     Okay so this chapter is really long, but it isn't all that interesting because if i just started it full of drama then there wouldn't be enough in the other parts. It would probably not be all that great. Just hang in there for when it starts getting really good please! I think you guys are really going to love it:).... 





.....Read on pretties:)

 Settling For Jonah

 First Day (Chapter One)




Chirped an awful noise near my head. Where the hell was that damned noise coming from?! Groggily, I pealed open my eyes only to find I was in my ‘bedroom’, as my Gramps put it. I looked at the pale walls, the cracked ceiling, and the tiny space that you could actually walk on. Some room, I thought sarcastically; this was more like my old bathroom back in England.

Eyy, what can I say, Aunt Mindy was very rich. Not that I minded a smaller place, but this was past ridiculous!




I heard again. Okay now I’m getting annoyed! I looked up at the object lying on my bedside table. That stupid alarm is too far to reach for, I decided. Flipping on my stomach, I pulled the pillow over my head to try and drown out the obnoxious noise.

Ahh; that’s better! Quickly my eyes slipped shut, and I smiled in content.

~30 minutes later

“Get up sleepy head!” A voice sang. Still drowsy, I did my best to ignore it.

“Get up, get up.” said the voice, along with a poke in the gut. Who in their right mind is that?!

“It’s your amazingly awesome Grandpa here, now get up.” Something ripped the pillow away from my face.

Groaning I flipped over and slowly opened my eyes. Damn, that light was bright. When did I open my curtain?

Surprised, I looked to my left where the window was nestled, and shrieked while jumping out of bed. Why was his face just inches away from mine? Was he trying to scare the living hell out of me?! He doubled over in laughter, and I swear you’d expect him to start rolling on the ground at any moment. That butthead!

“You shoulda seen your- your- your face!” he choked out finally. I looked down at the pillow still lying on my bed. Smiling evilly, I looked back at him and then down again. Seeming to get the picture, he began to lunge for it, but I was quicker. I grabbed the pillow and began to pummel him with it.

Now with a normal person about the age of grandfather, I would never do this, but the same blood that ran thru my veins ran thru his; so I knew he could take it. I began to laugh hysterically, and couldn’t help but stop hitting him. He took this as his advantage and snatched the pillow from my hands. He lifted it in the air, and was about to swing when there was a gasp in the doorway. I didn’t have to look up to know it was my sister Megan, standing in the doorway.

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