Chapter 14 - Time Out

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I wanted to distrust this man. I mean, how could he be so kind, so pure and i didn't even remember him at all. Only at the pub. After i was so horrible and embarrassing to him. But i could not. His gaze made him impenetrable to be untrue to.

I was more than depressed. I needed someone. And right now, he made me feel better. Better than i had the entire night. As the drunken people of the tavern continued to dance and laugh around me and the stranger sitting on the table, i realized i was no ready to find my daughter.

On my own.

I was ready to get the hell out of here.

My tears were saying something completely different.

Before i could think about what i was saying, i whispered to the brown-eyed man, "Get me out of here" and i just let the tears on my cheeks say the "Please" that i left out from my speech.

He grabbed my sweaty, awkward hands and zoomed out of the large hall-styled room, through to the back door and into the cold, damp night.

He zoomed out.

He was a vampire.

"You're a vampire" i said to him with a tired heart as he continued to zoom through the cobbled streets.

He smiled and nodded at me. 

After a few more glides through the London streets, we reached a shadowed alley. I was concerned for a moment. An alley?

I was no longer that kind of woman.

"I'm not in the mood for this" i exasperated to the stranger. A stranger i was trusting.

But his eyes made trust a minimal and insignificant thing.

He gently clutched onto my shoulders with his warm hands, making the cold seem like a heatwave.

"Katerina, i am not that kind of creature, nor i'll ever be!" he told me with passion and endless love.

I cried again. The tears clearly showing him how much his words meant to me. And the way he said my birth name made me forget about Katherine Pierce like it was just a change in the weather.

"Now i know you don't remember me" he slowly said.

He gracefully pushed his curly brown locks away from his forehead. I had never seen such a strong, yet beautiful man in my life before tonight.

He smiled.

He knew something.

"But i can fix that in a jiffy" and oh my lord!

His accent.

It was a ageless.




Like my father.

1488 - Bulgaria - Village 

Me and the rest of the girls had brought from our school by the mayor himself to view what was apparently an important announcement and lesson.

We sat on the green grass casually, waiting for the announcement to begin. It was unbelievably unorthodox for us to be out like this. I mean usually we would be doing bible study at this time of the day.

It was just so weird.

The mayor looked...drunk.

Oh lord.

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