I didn't know if what I was saying what helping the situation or just making it worse.

"I love you, too." He said, through angered breaths and endless tear drops.

The way he looked and the feeling of his emotions sent me into panic mode once again. I turned faster than I ever had, stretching my shirt and feeling my nails extend and my teeth get sharp. I was breathing roughly and forcefully and there was so much pain inside of me that I didn't know how to let go of and everything that was happening right now was just causing even more fear and stress.

I howled. But the roar wasn't enough to take away any of my hurt. And it was almost like I wanted them to find me- because I knew they heard me. I knew that the hunters were out there at this moment hearing my calls and getting closer to me. But I didn't care, I didn't care because maybe I would be better off dead. Better off away from Louis, letting him live on with his perfect immortality and where I couldn't hurt him. Because every time I saw that godawful scar between his brows that I had put there from months and months ago, it made me feel sore in my stomach because I used to do nothing but hurt him for the longest time, when all he was trying to do was protect himself and I.

"Shh!! Shh, Harry- Please, please stop-" Louis put his hand over my mouth and tried to silence me. I tried breaking from his grip, but his force was too strong and he was able to captivate me in his arms, shushing me. "Calm down, Haz, please."

I whimpered, squirming viciously in his arms and using all my might to try and break free. Niall and Liam must not have been home because they would be bursting in right now to hush me as well.

Instead, Dylan began pounding on the front door. "Let me in!!"

Lou was too busy holding me down to get up and unlock the door for him, and soon enough he had used his strength to bust it down himself. Then, I heard his footsteps strike the floor repeatedly as he ran through the living space and to our bedroom door, in which he also broke down.

"What's going on?!" He screamed at the two of us, glaring around the room.

My hearing became faint just then, and everything they were saying was now just murmurs. I couldn't hear anything over my own yelping, which became constant and continuous. Dylan came running over as Louis asked him to help hold me down, and now I had two pushing on me to try and hold me sane.

Little Logan came walking to the doorstep, peering around it, shyly watching.

"Let me go! Let me go.." I weeped, trying to gain strength again.

The tears burned my skin. There were plenty of them. I kept kicking and howling, even with Lou's hand over my mouth. I couldn't get my mind on anything besides breaking free from here and running off, praying and hoping to never be seen again, because from what I was seeing now it was the only thing I could do that wouldn't
hurt someone. Anyone. Pain was the very last thing I wanted to cause for another being.

But, after minutes of panicking and severe anxiety, it all stopped. I all of the sudden held myself still, hearing as Dylan began speaking. "They're coming. I hear them." He let me go. "Logan, Logan get away from the door, come here-" He tone was sharp but quiet and sneaky.

"Where do we go?" Louis asked, sounding quite tense and vulnerable.

"We- we just need to hide-" Dylan stuttered as he talked, standing up off the floor and desperately looking for an answer.

Immortally Mine (Larry)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ